Yearly Archives: 2009

United States

US prosecutors charged American David Headley in connection with the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack. Headley, who was also charged with conspiring to plan attacks in Denmark, is reported to have done reconnaissance on the Mumbai targets on behalf of Lashkar-e-Taiba.


Seven Iraqi students were killed and 41 were wounded after a stockpile of bombs exploded at a school in Sadr City in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two Awakening fighters in Kirkuk and a civilian in Baghdad. Iraq security forces detained 14 wanted men in Basrah, seven al Qaeda fighters near Baghdad and Mosul, two Islamist State […]


Tehrani police fired tear gas at protesters during commemoration of student day. US National Security Advisor James Jones said the “clock is ticking” on Iran and its nuclear program.


The military killed 13 Taliban fighters in Swat and Dir, eight in Arakzai, four in Mohmand, one in Peshawar, and one more in South Waziristan; 52 more were detained in the tribal areas. The Taliban killed two tribal leaders in Bajaur and claimed to have killed 10 soldiers in Mohmand.


Iraq clears way for parliamentary elections


Senior members of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood detained

Pakistan bars foreign reporters in South Punjab

Maulana Masood Azhar, the leader of the Jaish-e-Mohammed. From the Department of How You Know You’ve Struck A Nerve, via The Hindu: Pakistani authorities have barred foreign journalists from visiting any seminary or other places in southern Punjab province after the Western media reported on the presence of the Taliban in that area. “All foreign […]


Shabaab fighters killed more than 10 people in Basra in the Lower Shabelle region in an attack on people praying at a Sufi shrine. Somalia’s government appointed new police and military heads after the president sacked the former police and military chiefs.


Mysterious ‘Saddam Channel’ debuts on Iraqi TV


Iraq’s political leaders have resolved the election dispute. Insurgents killed four policemen in Abu Ghraib and a soldier and an Awakening fighter in Kirkuk. Iraqi security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah, a Mahdi Army commander and three fighters in Baghdad, and three al Qaeda fighters near Bahiyah and two more near Kirkuk.


Ongoing offensive kills 15 Taliban fighters in southern Afghanistan


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 17 Taliban fighters in Laghman, Wardak, and Kandahar provinces and detained four Taliban fighters in Kandahar and Ghazni provinces. Afghan forces killed two Haqqani Network fighters in Paktika. The Taliban killed one US soldier in the South.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said the West cannot “deprive the Iranian nation of its inalienable right to have nuclear energy.” Iran will not halt oil exports if UN sanctions continue. Foreign Minister Mottaki warned Switzerland of the “consequences” of the minaret ban.


Security forces killed seven Takiban fighters in Arakzai and detained two senior Taliban leaders in Hangu, three Lashkar-e-Islam commanders and 32 fighters in Khyber, and six suspects in the Rawalpindi mosque attack in Islamabad. The Taliban killed a soldier in South Waziristan. The trial of the Mumbai terror suspects was postponed for one week.


Pakistan – Drone attacks in Balochistan can™t be opposed: governor


Iraqi security forces killed a foreign al Qaeda fighter and captured 20 operatives in Mosul and in northern Iraq, and in Wasit. Nine wanted men were detained in Basrah and two terrorists were captured in Karbala. A former policeman was killed in Mosul and five more were wounded in Diyala and Baghdad.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed three Taliban fighters in Helmand and another in Laghman. Security forces also detained two Taliban shadow district leaders in Jauzjan and a senior Taliban facilitator and several fighters in Logar.


The chief of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said the country will not quit the international nuclear treaty but also said Iran needs uranium 20 enrichment sites. Three Iraqi nationals were arrested for weapons smuggling in Khuzestan. The foreign media has been banned from covering next week’s student rally.