Yearly Archives: 2009

MILF defends Abu Sayyaf hostages

Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for Pakistan attacks, threatens US

Pakistan’s Taliban leader threatened to strike in Washington and said the recent attacks on the Lahore police training center, a military convoy in Bannu, and a special police unit in Islamabad were in response to the US air campaign targeting Taliban leaders in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

Yemeni detainee at Gitmo to be freed

The US Justice Department has agreed to release a Yemeni detainee from Guantanamo. The detainee, Ayman Saeed Abdullah Batarfi, is a well-educated orthopedic surgeon who allegedly worked for al Qaeda and assisted the organization’s chief anthrax scientist.


Gates prefers sanctions to diplomacy for Iran


On the eve of a conference on Kabul, Iran’s deputy foreign minister rejected the role of NATO forces in the country. “The presence of foreign troops cannot bring peace and stability for Afghanistan,” Mohammad Mehdi Akhoundzade said. “It encourages radicalism.”


A terrorist assault on a police training center in Lahore killed more than 30 recruits and officers. The South Waziristan-based Fedayeen-e-Islam said it conducted the attack. A Taliban suicide bomber killed four security personnel in Bannu. Security forces launched a new operation in Khyber.


Pakistan: Lahore under Siege, Hostage Crisis Engulfs the City


A suicide bomber dressed as a policeman killed nine people, including five policemen, and wounded several others in an attack on a police station in Kandahar’s Andar district. Three policemen were killed in an IED attack in Paktia province.


Insurgents killed two security personnel and wounded six more during attacks in Mosul. Three Awakening fighters were killed near Hillah. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Babil, four men behind a politician’s murder in Ninewa, and a “dangerous” wanted man in Amarah. The British have begun their withdrawal from Iraq.


Pakistan: Home-grown Al-Qaeda led militants ‘behind Lahore attack’


Saudi Jihadist accuses Iran of sponsoring al Qaeda


Details behind the Attack on Arms Smugglers in Sudan


Four militants were killed and two were captured after ambushing a squad of ten soldiers on foot patrol in Narathiwat province. Prime Minister Vejjajiva announced four strategies to resolve violence in the south, including massive spending on projects that will continue until 2012.


The President of the International Committee of the Red Cross made another appeal to Abu Sayyaf hostage takers to release three Red Cross volunteers who were abducted and are held on Jolo island. A senator argued that Abu Sayyaf was testing the government and that the military should not withdraw its forces from Jolo island.


Britain to start Iraq pullout on Tuesday


The Taliban captured 12 policemen in Khyber, freed three policemen in Hangu, and banned unaccompanied women from markets in Malakand. The government blocked seven illegal FM channels in Charsadda. Sufi Mohammed warned of violence in Swat if President Zardari did not sign legislation approving sharia.


Iraqi forces detained 20 insurgents in Baghdad and nine al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, Insurgents killed six Iraqis in Basrah, and wounded 15 Iraqis in Mosul and four more in Baghdad, and eight policemen in Kirkuk.