Yearly Archives: 2009


The US may send an additional 10,000 troops to Afghanistan. US Defense Secretary Gates chided European leaders for failing to build support for an Afghan surge. NATO has failed to respond to a call for 4,000 additional troops. ISAF’s senior spokesman said cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan is improving.

United States

A US District Court judge ruled that detainees captured outside of Afghanistan and held at Bagram prison in Afghanistan have the right to appeal their detention in US courts. The judge cited last year’s Supreme Court ruling that gave prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba the right to challenge their detentions.


Pentagon report cites gains in Iraq, despite rifts


Can Pakistan be governed? And is Asif Ali Zardari the man to do the job?


General Petraeus warns that militants could topple Pakistani state if left unchallenged


The US killed 12 Taliban fighters in its first strike in the Arakzai tribal agency. Ten Taliban fighters were released in Swat. Security forces detained 10 suspects in the Lahore attack. Intelligence indicates 14 suicide bombers have entered Islamabad and Lahore. The Taliban took control of an emerald mine in Shangla.


Basrah offensive was ‘turning point’ for Iraq, general says


Monthly US death toll in Iraq lowest since beginning of war


Four Taliban suicide bombers killed seven policemen and six civilians in an assault on Kandahar’s provincial government center. Thirty-one Taliban fighters were killed during a battle in the Kajaki district in Helmand province. A senior Taliban spokesman described US reconciliation efforts as a “lunatic idea.”


Security forces detained 75 insurgents in Basrah, 29 in Baghdad, 19 in Fallujah, five more in Hillah, and three members of a forgery ring in Baqubah. Mosul SWAT arrested the Muthana Battalion sharia judge and an associate. Ten Iraqis were wounded in a car bombing in Mosul.


Baitullah Mehsud took credit for recent attacks against security forces and threatened to attack the US. Security forces arrested 50 suspects in the Lahore police academy attack. Two men who claimed to be police recruits disappeared from a hospital. The Supreme Court restored Shahbaz Sharif as Chief Minister of Punjab.


US proposes $2.8b military, $7.5b economic aid to Pakistan


Yemen raises number of wanted militants to 154


Iraq starts policing borders with unmanned planes


Although the deadline set by Abu Sayyaf for beheading one of three Red Cross hostages has passed, the governor of Sulu province has indicated that all three hostages are still alive. The government has declared a state of emergency in Sulu province, while the Red Cross continues an emotional appeal for the release of the […]


Thirty-four Taliban fighters and the mayor of Khost city were killed, and 12 Taliban fighters were captured during fighting and bomb attacks in Khost and Uruzgan provinces. A NATO spokesman said the US cannot be left to shoulder the burden in Afghanistan alone. France pledged to boost civilian aid.


A truck bomb attack on a police station in Mosul killed seven Iraqis and wounded 38 more. An intelligence officer in the Ministry of Interior was killed in a bombing in Baqubah. Four policemen and three civilians were wounded in separate bombings in Mosul. Security forces detained 60 wanted men in Basrah and 31 more […]