Yearly Archives: 2009


Police killed two Muslim terrorists and captured one other after more than 100 police surrounded their safe house in Narathiwat province. Four other insurgents escaped. Terrorists gunned down two Buddhist men outside their home in Pattani province.


Iraqi forces arrest more US-allied Sunni guards


Security forces detained 30 al Qaeda fighters during separate raids in Diyala and eight more in Fallujah, and eight Special Groups fighters in Maysan. One civilian was wounded in a bombing at a market in Baqubah. Muqtada al Sadr called for a “million man march” on the anniversary of the liberation of Iraq.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 20 Taliban fighters during clashes in the Kajaki district in Helmand province. Five Afghan border police and three civilians were killed in fighting in Farah province. One NATO soldier was killed in an IED attack in southern Afghanistan.


Taliban chief claims responsibility for NY shooting massacre


Iraqi soldiers learn to combat improvised explosive devices

US strikes Haqqani Network in North Waziristan

Thirteen are reported killed in the latest airstrike in Pakistan’s tribal areas. A suicide attack in North Waziristan targets security forces, kills five. Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for New York shooting spree.


The Taliban and tribesman looted government offices and destroyed a radio station and the press club in Wana, South Waziristan. A suicide bomb attack against a senior politician in Charsadda was foiled. The Taliban broke into a government office in Swat and barred employees from working. Mullah Fazlullah has returned to preaching at his hometown […]


Taliban hand out 37 lashes to girl seen with married man


Insurgent group looks to future without US


New Video May Help FBI Solve Somali-American Terror Case


Pakistan atom security top-notch despite fears-aide | South Asia | Reuters


Popular, pro-US Iraqi aims to redraw political map


A US air weapons team killed two Awakening fighters as they planted roadside bombs near their checkpoint on a road north of Taji. Ten Awakening fighters were reportedly detained in Baghdad. A policeman was killed after insurgents attacked his home in Qadissiya. An electrical tower was damaged in a bombing near Kirkuk.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban fighters fighting in Logar province; the Taliban killed a woman during the battle. Britain offered to send hundreds of additional troops on a temporary basis to provide security for upcoming elections if other NATO countries contribute additional forces.


Shabaab: New HQ video shows American leading al Qaeda in Somalia attacks [Who is Abu Mansoor al-Amriki?]


The Taliban beheaded a policeman in Peshawar, bombed an electrical tower in Mardan, and set up checkpoints and flogged a woman in Swat. Security forces detained 28 extremists in Dera Ismail Khan. The Taliban released 11 policemen held prisoner in Khyber.

Amnesty International: Thai insurgents abuse human rights


Abu Sayyaf released one of three Red Cross hostages held on Jolo island after three months in captivity. The two other hostages were reported to be alive but in danger. In an unrelated incident, a nine-year-old hostage was also freed by Abu Sayyaf linked militants in Basilan.


One policeman was killed in Kirkuk and another was wounded in Mosul. Three civilians were killed in a bombing in Baqubah and 10 civilians were wounded in two bombings in and near Mosul. Security forces detained 50 wanted men in Basrah, 17 in Baghdad, and eight al Qaeda fighters in Baqubah.