Yearly Archives: 2009


Thirty-four Iraqis were killed and scores were wounded in six car bombings in Baghdad. Seven soldiers were wounded in a suicide attack in Dalouyia. Security forces detained 74 suspected insurgents in Basrah, 21 in Dhi Qhar, 15 in Kirkuk, two Special Groups fighters in Al Kut, two al Qaeda fighters in Wasit, and two doctors […]

DC court finds Gitmo detainee properly held

A DC district court has ruled that detainee Hedi Hammamy was properly held at Guantanamo. Hammamy is alleged to have fought at Tora Bora, and worked for a network of al Qaeda cells in Europe that plotted against the 1998 World Cup tournament in France.


Security forces arrested 35 members of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb who come from Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, and Mali. Al Qaeda warned Algerians against re-electing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and described him as a “ferocious enemy.”


‘Al Qaeda-Taliban combo has chemical weapon formula’


A suicide bomber killed 24 civilians in an attack at a Shia mosque in Pakistan. The Taliban vowed to conduct two suicide attacks per week until the US Predator strikes end. The Swat Taliban have expanded into Buner and bombed a girls school in Bannu. The military killed 18 Taliban fighters in Mohmand.


Shabaab fighters killed four young men and wounded five more after ordering the men in Lower Jubba not to carry weapons in town. Hizbul Islam fighters killed two people in a mortar attack in Mogadishu. The Somali government ordered all aid groups to register or leave the country.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 14 Taliban fighters in Zabul province, killed one Taliban fighter and captured eight more in Kandahar province, captured four Haqqani Network fighters in Logar province, and captured a Taliban commander and three fighters in Khost province. A US airman was killed in an IED attack in southern Afghanistan.


Iraqi forces detained six al Qaeda fighters in Diyala and five insurgents in Babil. A senior interior ministry general was killed in Baghdad. One policeman was killed and five were wounded in two IED attacks in Fallujah. One policeman was killed and four were wounded in an attack in Baqubah. The governor of Basrah escaped […]


Pakistan – Punjab government warns of attack on Adiala Jail


Swat video ‘conspiracy to malign Islam™: Pakistan International Human Rights committee


A US airstrike in North Waziristan killed 13 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters. The Taliban killed 17 civilians in a suicide attack on a military checkpoint in North Waziristan and eight policemen in a suicide attack in Islamabad. Security forces killed 8 Taliban fighters in Mohmand and one more in Hangu. Three Taliban fighters were […]


Al Qaeda leadership resides in Pakistan’s tribal areas: US


Two civilians were killed and eight more were wounded in a bombing outside a popular restaurant in Isabela township on Basilan island. The governor of Sulu province warned Abu Sayyaf to release the kidnapped Red Cross workers and said no more ransom money will be paid.