Yearly Archives: 2009


Wanted Saddam deputy says to topple Iraq government, forge US ties


Iraq bombs linked to militias that fought with US against al Qaeda


Major powers look at new ways to coax Iran


The world’s youngest terrorist – aged 11 – arrested for being a potential suicide bomber

Saudi Arabia

Security forces detained 11 members of a suspected al Qaeda cell operating in the mountains of southern Saudi Arabia. The cell had plans to “attack policemen, kidnap local citizens, and rob banks in order to finance their terrorist activities” and “were in touch with al Qaeda elements outside Saudi Arabia,” an interior ministry spokesman said.


2006 Israel-Lebanon war looms large in Pentagon debate on future


Coalition and Afghan forces killed four Taliban fighters and captured two more in Kandahar province. Two NATO troops were killed and eight were wounded in separate attacks in southern Afghanistan.


A car bomb killed nine Iraqis in Baghdad. A suicide bomber killed one person and wounded 35 more in Fallujah. Security forces detained 65 wanted men in Basrah, 43 more in Dhi Qhar, and 10 insurgents in Kirkuk. An Iraqi tribal leader was assassinated near Mosul. President Obama visited Baghdad for talks with Prime Minister […]


Pakistan: Country ponders militancy and ‘war on terror’


Violence in Thailand’s troubled southern provinces dropped dramatically from 2007 to 2008, with the number of injuries reduced by 50%. The total number of bombings also declined by more then 50%, with a total of 157 bombings in 2008 compared to 394 incidents in 2007. The most dramatic drop was in IED attacks, with only […]


A military document indicated that Abu Sayyaf kidnappers demanded a $5 million ransom for the release of the three Red Cross workers held on Jolo island. The military denied paying any ransom for the one hostage who has been released and maintained that the government will continue to abide by a no ransom policy.

United States

Fourteen Chinese Uighurs detained at Guantanamo Bay petitioned the Supreme Court for their release. A poll indicates that 75 percent of Americans oppose the release of Guantanamo detainees in the United States; only 13 percent support it.


Four USAID employees were killed in Mansehre. The Bajaur Taliban announced an amnesty for all anti-Taliban tribal elders. The Taliban killed a member of a militia in Buner. The interior ministry said it would create an anti-terrorism force numbering 100,000 personnel. Police detained two plotters behind the April 5 suicide attack in Punjab.

Gates pushes for radical overhaul of Pentagon arsenal

Pentagon chief rips heart out of Army’s ‘Future’


Afghan soldiers killed two Taliban fighters in Tarin Kowt in Helmand province and captured another Taliban fighter in the Gardez district in Paktia province. Four Haqqani Network fighters were killed in a premature detonation at their bomb factory in Khost province. An Afghan soldier and a border policeman were killed in an IED attack in […]


Two American members of Shabaab who are based in Kismayo held a press conference to explain why they joined the group. Eight women were wounded in a mortar attack by Islamist fighters in Mogadishu. Pirates have seized five ships over the past two days.

BBC: Into Thailand’s red zone

Red Cross denies interfering with hostage talks


Seven men related to Abu Sayyaf spokesman Albader Parad, including three police officers, were arrested in connection with the abduction of three Red Cross workers, two of whom are still being held captive on Jolo island. Suspected Abu Sayyaf gunmen attacked a truck carrying coconut plantation workers in Basilan, killing seven and wounding three.


Pakistan – NWFP police gives report on Qaeda, Taliban to federal government