Yearly Archives: 2009


General Ray Odierno: we may have to ignore Iraq deadline to halt al Qaeda terror


Sufi Mohammad has ended the peace agreement in Swat. The Taliban reportedly agreed to withdraw from Buner. One person was killed and eight more were wounded, including the political agent for Kurram, in an ambush in Hangu. Pakistan’s foreign office said there is no credible evidence that al Qaeda’s leaders are inside the country.


The government continues negotiations with al Qaeda-linked Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys. Al Shabaab shut down an independent radio station in Beled Hawo. The US freighter captain kidnapped on April 8 remains in the custody of priates.

United States

The FYI raided three Somali-run money transfer businesses in Minneapolis for information related to transferring money to African and Middle Eastern countries. The raids occurred in the same community where more than 20 Somali-American young men have left the country and headed to Somalia to fight with al Qaeda-linked Shabaab.


A suicide bomber killed four policemen and one child in an attack on a drug eradication unit patrolling in Tarin Kot in Uruzgan province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed six Taliban fighters and detained one in Kandahar, killed four Haqqani Network operatives and detained three in Khost, and killed three more Taliban fighters in Wardak.


Security forces detained 65 insurgents in Basrah and 11 more in Amara,, seven al Qaeda fighters in Samarra, and four policemen in Wasit, and found an al Qaeda training camp in Anbar. One civilian was killed and three were wounded in a bombing in Baqubah. Thousands of Sadrists protested in Baghdad.

Swat peace agreement collapses

Pro-Taliban leader Sufi Mohammed has called off the Malakand Accord and claimed the federal government is dragging its feet on signing the law that would implement sharia.


The US killed four Taliban fighters in an airstrike in South Waziristan. Security forces detained more than 150 Afghans and tribesmen in Lahore. Police in Karachi detained five Lashkar-e-Jhangvi fighters. The Buner tribes are organizing more lashkars to fight the Taliban who are advancing in the district.

United Kingdom

Hundreds of counterterrorism police detained 12 men in northwestern England. Ten of the men are Pakistani nationals in the country on student visas. The raids were carried out after a sensitive document hand-carried by a senior official had been photographed and published.


An American journalist has been charged with espionage. Iran is open to negotiations with the US “should it really and truly be based on honesty, justice and respect,” President Ahmadinejad said. The US, Russia, China, France, Germany, and Britain will invite Iran to hold talks on its nuclear program.


Afghan troops killed six Taliban fighters as they were planting IEDs in the district of Shaheed Hasas in Uruzgan province. A Coalition soldier was killed during combat in southern Afghanistan. Poland will send an additional 320 troops to Afghanistan.


Canadian arrested in Somalia allegedly member of Islamist militia


Al Qaeda gang that attacked NATO convoys arrested in Karachi


Seven Iraqis were killed and 23 were wounded in a car bombing in a Shia neighborhood in Baghdad. Fallujah has been put under curfew after an April 7 suicide attack. Security forces detained an al Naqshabandiya member in Kirkuk. President Talabani warned of al Qaeda’s return to Baghdad.


Seven accused Abu Sayyaf conspirators, including two police officers, who were arrested on April 2 were released without charge. The Regional Peace and Order Council of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao agreed to mediate potential future peace talks between Abu Sayyaf and the government.


Pirates have seized a cargo ship with a crew of 21 Americans about 400 miles off the coast of Somalia. The US crew appears to have regained control of the ship. Secret talks between the government and Hizbul Islam are reportedly underway; unconfirmed reports indicate Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys is participating in the negotiations.


Bomb kills 7 near Baghdad Shi’ite shrine: police


Afghan villagers often pleased with security gains but unwilling to help US troops


Sixteen Taliban fighters, three policemen, and two tribal fighters were killed during fighting in Buner. The Taliban killed two policemen in Kohat and bombed a music shop in Peshawar. Tribes in Dir threatened to attack the Taliban if hostages are not released.