Yearly Archives: 2009

Surviving Abu Sayyaf captivity


Security forces detained 29 insurgents in Basrah. A US solider was killed in an IED attack in Tikrit. Seven civilians were wounded in a bombing in Baghdad. The leader of the Awakening is considering a political alliance with Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 22 Taliban fighters in Zabul province and killed another 18 in Kunar province. Afghan troops killed two Taliban commanders and seven Taliban fighters during a clash in Helmand province; seven soldiers were wounded.


Somali pirates hijacked a US-flagged tug boat. French commandos rescued a family kidnapped by pirates, but one man was killed. Shabaab and the Ras Kamboni Brigade hailed the pirate attacks, said the pirates are “protecting the Somali coast,” and are “mujahideen.”


Nine Awakening fighters and Iraqi soldiers were killed in a suicide attack on a checkpoint in Babil. One policeman was killed in a shooting in Mosul. Two civilians were killed in terrorist atacks in Hillah and Mandali. Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Dhi Qhar and two gunmen in Makhmour. The government will re-arrest […]


Prime Minister Gilani said Pakistan will not accept conditional aid from the US. The Taliban said some of its forces would leave Buner. The Taliban killed a tribal leader in Bajaur, attacked two checkpoints in Nowshera, and wounded three security personnel after ambushing a convoy in Swat.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed four Taliban fighters in Zabul province, detained four Taliban fighters in Helmand province, and prevented a suicide attack in Khost. General David McKiernan, the top US general in Afghanistan, told a group of tribal leaders he is studying the Koran.


Two people were killed as security forces pursued Abu Sayyaf leader Noor Hassan Jamiri, who is holding two hostages, in Isabela Province. The Navy warned residents in Sulu province against the increased risk of Abu Sayyaf bomb attacks during the Holy Week and as government forces continue to pursue Abu Sayyaf fighters who are still […]


Only parliament to decide Swat deal™s fate: PM Gilani


Swat Taliban demand peace accord details be made public


Hafiz Gul Bahadur: A profile of the leader of the North Waziristan Taliban


Suicide bomber kills 9 Sunni militiamen in Iraq

Al Qaeda

Journal of the Turkistan Islamic Party urges jihad in China


The Taliban have taken control of most of Buner despite promising to withdraw. The NWFP government and the TNSM vowed to keep the Swat peace deal intact. The Taliban destroyed six NATO oil tankers in a bombing in Peshawar and beheaded two “US Spies” in North Waziristan. The Lahore police claimed India was behind the […]


Three insurgents clad in black and armed with assault rifles attacked a train in the Rangae district, killing a railway worker and wounding three others. The State Railway of Thailand suspended rail services in three southern provinces after the attack. On Thursday in Pattani province, an insurgent was killed in in a clash with security […]


A joint team of police officers and Marines raided a cache of explosive materials from a supplier of Abu Sayyaf on Jolo island, where the terror group is still holding two Red Cross workers hostage. Police are pursuing 50 Abu Sayyaf fighters on Basilan island who abducted two farmers on Friday.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 32 Taliban fighters during fighting in Helmand, Uruzgan, and Kandahar provinces. The US military said it accidentally killed four civilians and an unborn child after the civilians opened fire on an assault force during a raid in Khost province. Australia will send an additional 120 troops to Afghanistan.


Five US soldiers and two Iraqi security personnel were killed in a suicide truck bombing in Mosul. Two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Baqubah and a woman was killed in an IED attack in Mosul. Iraqi and US troops detained 21 insurgents in Basrah and nine more in Hillah.


Pakistani ambassador: The Swat valley will be cleared of extremists