Yearly Archives: 2009


President Zardari signed the bill that implements sharia in the Malakand Division into law after Parliament voted in favor. The Taliban have taken full control of Buner and bombed a girls’ school in Bannu. Security forces detained Badshah Din, Baitullah Mehsud’s aide in Karachi, and killed a Taliban leader in Mohmand. Polio vaccinations were canceled […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed eight Taliban fighters in clashes in Logar and Wardak provinces. Up to eight Taliban fighters were killed in a US airstrike in Kunar province; locals say that six civilians were killed in the attack.


Security forces detained 27 wanted men in Dhi Qhar, 17 in Basrah, and 17 more in Karbala. A US soldier was killed an an IED attack south of Karbala. Insurgents murdered a mayor of a district in Eastern Mosul.

Pakistan signs sharia bill into law

President Zardari signs the Nizam-e-Adl regulation after a majority of parliament voted in favor of the legislation. The Taliban threatened violence if the law was not passed and said any member of parliament who refused to sign the bill was a non-Muslim.


Abu Sayyaf militants beheaded one of two hostages captured last week on Basilan island. Abu Sayyaf continues to hold seven hostages in Basilan and two Red Cross workers hostage on Jolo island. The military announced the surrender of forty MILF fighters along with an arsenal of rocket-propelled grenades in Lanao del Norte.


Security forces detained 513 people during sweeps in Islamabad and 18 more in Mianwali. The Taliban killed one security guard and destroyed 10 NATO transport trucks in Peshawar. The government released five Taliban fighters in Swat. The TNSM said members of parliament would be declared non-Muslims if they voted against the sharia regulations.


Captain jumps overboard, SEALs shoot pirates, official says

Al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf survived US strike

Intelligence officials claimed Rauf was killed in a Nov. 2008 Predator strike in North Waziristan. Rauf is now thought to have directed the failed plots to attack major European cities, including bombings in England during Easter Weekend.

Al Qaeda

One of the 12 suspects arrested by the British police over a “very big terrorist plot” linked to al-Qaeda has been released as police quizzed the remaining 11 detainees, most of them Pakistanis. Police arrested 28 suspected members of the al-Qaeda terror network during simultaneous raids Thursday (April 9th) in the central Turkish province of […]


Iraq Sunni anti-Qaeda leader eyes Shi’ite alliance


Iran president dismisses demand to halt atom work: report