Yearly Archives: 2009


Police rescued Swiss national Andreas Notter, one of two Red Cross workers held captive by Abu Sayyaf insurgents on Jolo island when militants attempted to escape from a police cordon. Abu Sayyaf continues to hold an Italian Red Cross worker, who is ill and suffering from a hernia, for ransom.


Somalia’s parliament has unanimously approved the implementation of sharia across the country. A man claiming to be a spokesman for the Somali pirate groups has vowed to retaliate against French and US warships operating in the region. Dutch commandos freed 20 Yemeni hostages and briefly detained seven pirates who had forced the Yemenis to sail […]

Al Qaeda

Iraqi Special Forces arrested a suspected senior al Qaeda member and three of his aides in the southern city of Basra. “He is a Saudi and was arrested in a house in the Abu al-Khassib district with his Iraqi assistants. They have been transferred to Baghdad by military aircraft,” an Iraqi Army official said.


The US is attempting to jam unlicensed radio stations and Internet websites in Pakistan. ISAF soldiers killed one insurgent and detained two others in Khost after a UAV spotted the trio planting an IED. Coalition and Afghan forces killed three Taliban fighters in Logar province and killed “an unknown number” in Kandahar province. Two Afghan […]


The Taliban murdered a couple for adultery in Hangu and bombed an electrical tower in Peshawar. Police thwarted a suicide attack at Peshawar’s university. Pakistan was stripped of the right to host the 2011 world soccer cup due to the security situation.


A spokesman for the Islamic Courts accused Shabaab of assassinating an ICU military leader and a member of parliament, and threatened to retaliate. Shabaab denied the charge and said it captured members of the ICU who attacked their bases in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam urged the two groups to end the feuding.

Sunni leaders urge Maliki to integrate former insurgents


Security forces detained 10 al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, five wanted men in Miqdadiyah, three Special Groups fighters in Al Kut, and a Naqshabandiya leader in Khalis. The Iraqi Army said 38 soldiers were wounded and none were killed in yesterday’s suicide attack at a military base in Habbaniyah. A woman planning to conduct a […]


Afghan and Coalition forces killed Eight Taliban fighters and detained five more during operations in Farah, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Paktia, and Logar provinces. Taliban fighters killed three civilians while targeting a cabinet member in Nimroz province, and one ISAF soldier in an IED attack in northern Afghanistan.


A Moroccan court sentenced 43 members of an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb cell to jail terms between two to 20 years. Abdelkrim Makhloufi, the leader of the cell, was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Sa’id Ali Jabir Al Khathim Al Shihri urged Somalis to step up attacks on ships transiting the Somali coast. “The crusaders, the Jews and the traitorous rulers did not come to the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden except to wage war against you in Somalia and […]


Turning tables, US troops ambush Taliban with swift and lethal results

Taliban moving on Mardan

The Taliban murdered two women, an aid worker and a councilor, in the latest attacks in a region being eyed for takeover.


Maulana Abdullah Aziz has been freed from jail and will preach at the Red Mosque in Islamabad. He also called for the enforcement of sharia countrywide. The Taliban murdered two women in Mardan, bombed three shops in Dir, and have refused to leave Dir.


A senior Islamic Courts commander allied with the interior minister was killed along with four others in fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab rounded up 25 young men in Baidoa for “violating orders” and destroyed 100 Indian graves in Kismayo.


A suicide bomber killed 18 soldiers and wounded 40 in an attack on a military base in Habbaniyah. One policeman was killed in an attack in Mosul. Security forces detained 91 wanted men in Basrah and 43 more in Dhi Qhar, and six Naqshabandiya members in Kirkuk and four more in Diyala.

The Taliban

The Taliban said Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who has been nominated as the next NATO Secretary General, is an “enemy of Islam” for backing the cartoonist who draw images of Mohammed. “The cartoonist provoked the resent and anger of millions of Muslims” the Taliban said in a statement on their website.


An ISAF soldier was killed in Eastern Afghanistan. Afghan and coalition forces captured two Taliban fighters in Kunar province. An investigation into an April 13 raid in Kunar determined that four Taliban fighters and six civilians were killed.


Judge Baltasar Garzon of Spain is inquiring with the US, Britain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, and Spain on the whereabouts of Mustafa Setmarian Nasar (AKA Abu Musab al Suri), an al Qaeda strategist and writer who was detained by Pakistan in 2005. Nasar is believed to be involved in the 2004 Madrid train bombings.

US ready to help in Philippine hostage crisis


Signing of Pakistan shari’a legislation prompts fears of Taliban expansion