Yearly Archives: 2009


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Helmand, 10 in Faryab province, and killed seven and detained four more in Laghman province. ISAF denied civilian casualties occurred during the Laghman operation. South Korea will likely deploy 350 troops.


Spain: men charged in unofficial Islamic court


More than 200 anti-government student protesters were arrested during clashes with police and the radical Basij militia. Turkey opposes placing sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program. Security forces arrested many of the Jundallah members behind the suicide attack in Sarbaz.

Taliban bosses make ‘you leave, we leave you alone’ offer to West?

Another op-ed piece has appeared on the Taliban’s Voice of Jihad webpage (English language version here and PDF at non-terrorist page here). Here’s the most interesting part of the latest article: Washington turns down the constructive proposal of the leadership of Mujahideen who say that the Mujahideen, as a part of their policy, will ensure […]

A political solution to the Thai insurgency


More than 110 Iraqis were killed and 200 were wounded in a series of coordinated suicide and car bomb attacks in Baghdad. The targets included a court complex, a neighborhood near the Interior Ministry, a mosque, and a market. Insurgents killed two policemen and a civilian in bombings in Mosul and Fallujah. Security forces detained […]


Coordinated bombings in Baghdad kill at least 121


A prominent imam was sentenced to seven years in prison after being convicted of helping to raise money for al Qaeda. The imam preached at the Al Hamdi mosque. He raised money to build a second mosque but funneled it to recruits heading to Pakistan for training at terror camps.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released a video claiming responsibility for the kidnappings of a French national in Mali and three Spaniards in Mauritania. “France and Spain will be informed later of the legitimate demands of the mujahedeen,” the statement read. AQIM “hardliner” Abu Zeid, who was responsible for the ordering of the execution […]


Pakistan – Clerics declare terrorism crime against Islam, humanity


Suicide bombers killed 45 people in an attack at a market in Lahore and 11 more outside a courthouse in Peshawar. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Swat and detained 17 more. Six Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur and two bomb makers died in a work accident.


A Taliban commander and more than 20 fighters were killed in a US airstrike on a base in Kunar province. A Taliban commander and three fighters, and four policemen were killed in a clash in Badghis province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained several Haqqani Network and Taliban fighters in Khost, Paktika, and Zabul. The mayor […]


Iran: Top director laments fate of independent cinema


Two people were killed and nine wounded when an explosion ripped through a market in the Muang District of Narathiwat province. Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Najib Razak, arrived in Thailand today on a visit that will bring him to the insurgency-plagued southern provinces.