Yearly Archives: 2009


Afghan and coalition forces killed four Taliban fighters in Kandahar province and two more in Uruzgan province. French troops have retaken the Tagab district in Kapisa province from the Taliban. A disabled suicide bomber killed himself in a failed attack in Herat province.

Al Qaeda

In a video released on the Internet, Ayman al Zawahiri said President Obama is continuing the policies of President Bush and the Afghan surge will fail. “America brought us a new face, trying to deceive us yet again,” Zawahiri said. “A face that calls for change, but it™s rather calling for us to change, to […]


Three US troops and four Iraqi policemen were reportedly killed in a suicide attack in Baqubah; the US military has not confirmed the report. Two children were killed in an IED attack in Fallujah. A suicide bomber wounded eight US soldiers in Mosul. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Amarah and eight more in […]


The US Treasury Department added Abdul Haq to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. Haq is the leader of the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party / Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, which has extensive ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban. The terror group recently released a video of its training camps.


A US strike on a Taliban camp in South Waziristan killed eight fighters. Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters during airstrikes in Arakzai. A clash between the TNSM and the Taliban killed two. Sufi Mohammed demanded the government withdraw all courts from the Malakand Division.


Hizbul Islam welcomed parliament’s unanimous vote to impose sharia. Two Medecins Sans Frontieres aid workers from Belgium and Holland were kidnapped in Bakool. Pirates have been operating from a captured Nigerian ship.


Insurgents killed two policemen in Mosul and an Awakening fighter in Babil, and wounded seven Iraqis in a car bombing in Mosul. Security forces detained 44 wanted men in Basrah, four children recruited by al Qaeda to be suicide bombers in Kirkuk, and two drug dealers in Ramadi. US troops detained four terrorists in Basrah.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander and three fighters during a raid in Logar province. Five policemen were killed during a Taliban attack on an outpost in Farah province. Security forces launched an operation in Sar-e Pul, Jawzjan, Balkh, and Faryab provinces; ten Taliban have been detained.


‘No justification for Taliban to display arms in Malakand now™


Pakistanis see friends™ $5 billion pledge as political boon


A suicide bomber killed 25 policemen and two civilians an in attack on military convoy in Hangu. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Kohat. Four members of Ansarul Islam were killed in an IED attack in Khyber. The Bajaur Taliban threatened to end the ceasefire. A government official died in Taliban custody in Mohmand. […]


Yemen’s president cites independence from US


US experts: Pakistan on course to become Islamist state


Secure enough to sin, Baghdad is back to old ways


Security forces launched an operation in Fallujah. Three policemen were wounded after rival police forces clashed in Maysan. Six civilians were wounded in two IED attacks in Baghdad; two mortars landed in the International Zone.