Yearly Archives: 2009


Iran’s leader blames US, Israel for Iraq attacks


The military is conducting DNA tests to determine if Islamic State of Iraq leader Abu Omar al Baghdadi was captured. Security forces killed three al Qaeda fighters and detained a Saudi leader in Khanaqin, and killed an al Qaeda leader in Anbar. Iraqi forces also detained 19 wanted men in Basrah and 15 insurgents in […]


Three suicide bombers attacked the Kandahar governor’s compound, killing five policemen. A joint Afghan-Coalition patrol killed between six and eight insurgents in the Chak district of Wardak province. A government official claimed 50 Taliban fighters and three commanders were killed in a large operation in Wardak. A two-day operation launched by Afghan and Coalition forces […]


Investigators believe the Hezbollah cell in Egypt planned to carry out three major bombing operations in tourist areas of Egypt. The 49 suspects arrested in Egypt in connection to the cell will appear in court next week. Israel warned Israeli businessmen in Europe to return home because of the threat of a terrorist attack by […]


Mortars fired at Somalia’s Parliament missed the building but hit a police unit inside the compound as well as a residential neighborhood, killing at least seven people. Somali pirates have seized a German ship transporting grain in the Gulf of Aden; all 17 crew members are unharmed. Two European aid workers taken hostage by gunmen […]


Reports of Taliban re-entering Buner, Army set for assault


General Kiyani and General Petraeus said the Pakistani Army has the will to fight the Taliban. Some Taliban foces have withdrawn from Buner. Malakand division commissioner Syed Mohammad Javed has been replaced. Taliban fighters fired rockets at an outpost in North Waziristan.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 14 Taliban fighters and captured three more during a battle in the Sangin district in Helmand province, and detained three Taliban fighters in Kabul province. Four Afghan troops were killed in an IED attack in Paktia.


Two suicide bombers killed more than 60 Iraqis and Iranians and wounded more than 125 outside a shrine in Baghdad. Yesterday’s suicide attack in Diyala killed 56 people. Two Iraqis were killed in an IED attack in Diyala and a policeman was killed in Fallujah. Iraqi intelligence said Baathists are conducting suicide attacks.

Rangers deployed to secure Islamabad outskirts

Islamabad officials have moved paramilitary forces to block a potential Taliban advance into the nation’s capital. Taliban stop government forces in Buner. US officials question Pakistan’s ability to halt the Taliban.


The Islamabad government is deploying Rangers to halt a potential Taliban advance. The Taliban blocked a police deployment in Buner; one policeman was killed. Five NATO fuel trucks were destroyed in Peshawar. Pakistani helicopters killed seven children and two women in Khyber.

Al Qaeda

Court says Canada must seek return of Guantanamo detainee


The leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq is reported to have been captured; the US has not confirmed the report. Suicide bombers killed 60 Iraqis in attacks in Baghdad and Diyala. Security forces detained 17 wanted men in Basrah, four al Qaeda fighters in Wasit, three Awakening fighters in Babil, and two Special […]

Thailand’s insurgency: Deeply rooted


Interior Secretary Ronaldo Puno announced yesterday that the government had launched an offensive against Abu Sayyaf fighters on Jolo island. More then 5,000 troops are deployed to the island in order to secure the release of Italian Red Cross worker Eugenio Vagni, who is being held for ransom by Abu Sayyaf.


Afghan Police killed one Iranian soldier and detained two more after the Iranians crossed the border in Nimroz province. Coalition and Afghan forces killed two Taliban fighters in Uruzgan province and captured four in Helmand province and three more in Logar province.


Abu Omar al-Baghdadi allegedly captured

Islamic State of Iraq leader reported captured

Unconfirmed reports from the Iraqi Army said Abu Omar al Baghdadi was captured in eastern Baghdad. The US military has not confirmed the report. More than 60 Iraqis have been killed in two suicide bombings in Baghdad and Diyala.

Taliban advance eastward, threaten Islamabad

The Taliban are said to have entered the districts of Mansehra and Haripur, two regions until now largely spared from the Taliban insurgency. The districts are on the outskirts of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, as well as two crucial nuclear weapons facilities.