Yearly Archives: 2009


The prime minister defended the parliamentary vote endorsing Islamic law and has invited Islamist terror groups to join the government. Shabaab shut down a radio station in Baidoa and detained three journalists for “spreading false news.”

Pakistan touts success of Dir operation

The Pakistani military claims 46 Taliban killed during operation by Frontier Corps in northern district. Government officials insist peace agreement with Taliban is still in effect; Taliban call truce “worthless.”


Two Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed and two more were wounded in a clash with police on Jolo island, as government forces continue to search for captured Italian Red Cross worker Eugenio Vagni. President Arroyo will visit Egypt and Syria starting on May 1 to ask for assistance in peace negotiations with the Moro Islamic […]


One day before the five-year anniversary of the Krue Se massacre, Islamist terrorists attacked pylons, utility towers, and a school in Narathiwat province, temporarily disabling government communication systems and preventing security forces from responding, by laying spikes on access roads. Thailand’s southern provinces remain under a state of emergency.


Yemeni forces free oil tanker, arrest 11 pirates


Afghan and Coalition forces killed five Taliban fighters and detained 10 more in Kandahar province; two more Taliban fighters were detained in Kunar province. Afghan Commandos captured a Taliban leader in Farah province. The Taliban killed an Afghan policeman and captured nine more in an assault on a district center in Baghlan province.


Prime Minister Maliki said the April 26 US raid in Al Kut was a “breach” of the SOFA agreement. Security forces detained seven insurgent in Kirkuk, six wanted men in Basrah, and three Special Groups fighters in Hillah. Basrah’s police chief escaped an assassination attempt.


The Pakistani government has deported nine Chinese Uighurs to China after detaining them in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. The nine Uighurs conducted attacks on Pakistani security forces. Uighurs train and fight alongside al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb threatened to kill a British hostage if Abu Qatada was not released from British custody. “We demand that Britain release Sheikh Abu Qatada, who is unjustly held, for the release of its British citizen,” an al Qaeda statement said. “We give it 20 days as of the issuance of […]


Israel has reportedly sunk a second Iranian ship carrying weapons destined for Hamas in Gaza. All members of the crew reportedly were killed. The attacks are said to have occurred off the coast of Sudan in the Red Sea.


Prime Minister Maliki claimed Iraqi security forces have captured Abu Omar al Baghdadi. US forces killed one Mahdi Army fighter and captured six more in a controversial raid in Al Kut. US troops killed seven al Qaeda fighters and detained nine in Dalouiya. Iraqi troops detained 18 al Qaeda fighters in Shahraban and captured three […]

Al Qaeda

US plans to accept several Chinese Muslims from Guantanamo


In the heart of Taliban country, reluctant Afghans are restrained by loyalty and fear


A roadside bomb killed two members of the newly created Afghan Public Protection Force in Wardak province™s Nerkh district. Counternarcotics officials destroyed 6.5 tons of confiscated illegal drugs and precursor chemicals in a ceremony south of Kabul. A roadside bomb killed three Afghan border policemen in the Ali Shir district, Khost province. Australian forces have […]


The launched a new offensive against the Taliban in Lower Dir. Masked Taliban fighters attacked and killed at least one Christian and injured dozens of others this past week in a Christian colony in Karachi. Pakistani law enforcement believes two suicide bombers have been dispatched to Islamabad and four others to Karachi. Some reports suggest […]

Abu Sayyaf hostage remembers captivity


Security forces in the troubled south are on high alert for the upcoming anniversary of the Krue Se mosque massacre which took place on April 28, 2004. In Narathiwat, police and marines discovered munitions and bomb-making materials in a shelter in the forest. On Friday, twenty-four people, including eight police, were wounded in two separate […]


Government troops clashed with Abu Sayyaf fighters holding an Italian Red Cross worker hostage on Jolo island. According to the military, the poor health of the hostage is hindering rescue operations and preventing him from fleeing his captors.


Pakistan – Taliban accept only Islam™s writ: Fazlullah


Twelve children were killed in a bombing in Dir. Swabi police seized 475 kg explosives and detained two men. Police in Sargodha captured an aide to Baitullah Mehsud and five other Taliban fighters. Policemen refused to deploy in Buner. The Taliban blocked a military convoy in Swat, stood up the local Taliban in Buner, and […]