Yearly Archives: 2009


Afghan and Coalition forces killed one Taliban fighter and detained three more during operations in the Nawa-I-Barak Zayi district in Helmand province. Afghan police killed the top Taliban commander in the Andar district in Ghazni province. The Taliban killed one Afghan commando during an ambush of a patrol in the Chak district in Wardak province. […]

Al Qaeda in Iraq

A man claiming to be Abu Omar al Baghdadi released an audiotape to Al Jazeera where he accused the Iraqi government of “outright lying” about his purported capture. Baghdadi claimed that his voice isn’t recorded by an actor and said his “name and face” is well known to jihadi leaders.


Security forces detained 40 insurgents in Basrah, 30 in Fallujah, and 12 more in Diyala, and four al Qaeda fighters in Wasit. Three US soldiers were killed in yesterday’s bombing in Baghdad. An Iraqi policeman was killed in an IED attack in Mosul.


Pakistan says Uzbek, Chechen fighters aiding Taliban in Swat


Renewed fighting between Somali Islamists, government

Al Qaeda

US Military Official Alarmed By Growing Al Qaeda – Taliban Ties


A suicide truck bomber attacked a fort in Tank and killed nine Pakistanis, including five policemen. An IED attack killed five civilians in Dera Ismail Khan. A Taliban commander and five soldiers were killed in Swat. A Taliban commander and five associates surrendered to a jirga in Mohmand. Two members of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and Harkatul […]


Four Somalis were killed during fighting between the Islamic Courts and Hizbul Islam in the town of Mahaday. Shabab held a press conference in Mogadishu to announce the appointment of Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage as its new spokesman. The Hawiye clan denounced the Somali government.


Afghan commandos and Coalition forces killed 16 Taliban fighters and seized massive amounts of drugs during an operation to clear the town of Marja in the Nad Ali District in Helmand Province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed seven Taliban fighters and detained a commander in the Gelan district in Ghazni province. The US military burned […]


US Congress drops India mention in aid bill to save Pakistan blushes


Suicide bombers in Baghdad and Kirkuk killed twenty Iraqis, including eight Awakening fighters, and wounded 33 more. Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah and three Iranian and one Iraqi Special Groups operative in Wasit.

United States

Three Americans and a Haitian immigrant who vowed to wage jihad were arrested for planting fake explosives outside of a Jewish temple and a center in Riverdale, New York, and for plotting to shoot down airplanes. The Obama administration is considering trying Guantanamo Bay detainee Ahmed Ghailani in a federal court in New York City […]