Yearly Archives: 2009


Hezbollah rejects link to Lebanon ex-PM Rafiq Hariri’s murder


Pakistan says three tribal regions cleared of Taliban militants

North Korea

North Korea claimed it detonated a nuclear weapon in an underground test that caused a 4.5 earthquake “as part of the measures to bolster up its nuclear deterrent for self-defense,” according to the state-run news agency KCNA. South Korea said the test indeed took place. The Asian stock market has declined in reaction to the […]


Pakistani troops have entered the town of Mingora in Swat; ten Taliban fighters and three soldiers have been killed in Swat. Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters during airstrikes in Arakzai. Qari Ihsanullah, a Taliban commander who conducts attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan, was detained along with six fighters in Charsadda.

Philippine Army prevents bomb plot in Mindanao


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed six policemen and a civilian in an attack on a police station in Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts denied that some factions have joined the Shabaab/Hizbul Islam alliance. The pro-government Ahlu Sunna Waljama denounced the destruction of grave sites.


Afghan and Coalition forces detained four suspected al Qaeda-linked operatives from Pakistan during raids in Khost province. Taliban fighters attacked police in the Baharak district in the northern province of Takhar; police repelled the attack. The Taliban killed one soldier and wounded four more during an ambush in the Panjwai district in Kandahar, and wounded […]


Thirty-four Iraqis were wounded in a suicide bombing in Mosul and three more were wounded in a bombing in Baghdad. Terrorists shot and killed a woman and her daughter in Mosul. Security forces detained 53 wanted men in in Dhi Qhar and nine more in Maysan, 21 “criminals” in Basrah, and the leader of a […]

Pakistan detained senior Shadow Army commander

Abu Sufyan al Yemeni is a senior officer who was responsible for facilitating the movement of recruits and operatives into Pakistan’s tribal areas and served as a conduit for communications to al Qaeda cells worldwide.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan detained two senior al Qaeda leaders earlier this year. Abu Sufyan al Yemeni was a Shadow Army commander who served as a conduit for communications between Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and cells in East Africa, Iran, Yemen, and elsewhere. The other man, Zabi al Taifi, is a Saudi national. Three low-level Saudi al Qaeda […]


Investigators for the United Nations special tribunal believe Hezbollah was behind the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, but have withheld the evidence. Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah claimed Israel is preparing to assassinate him prior to the upcoming election on June 8.


India ready to extend hand of friendship to Pak: Indian FM


The military said 17 Taliban fighters have been killed in the initial assault on Mingora in Swat, and 33 foreign fighters were detained in Darra Adam Khel. The Taliban sent threatening letters to the president, prime minister, and other political figures, and bombed a school in Mohmand. Police in Rawalpindi are on alert for attacks […]

US relies more on allies in questioning terror suspects