Yearly Archives: 2009


Four al Qaeda operatives and two Taliban fighters were killed in a US airstrike in South Waziristan. Five Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in fighting in South Waziristan. Security forces detained 11 Taliban fighters in Kurram.

Al Qaeda

US intelligence officials said today’s Predator strike in Pakistan killed “a top al Qaeda official.” The leader was not named, and Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri were not killed in the attack. Four al Qaeda operatives were among the six terrorists killed in today’s strike.


Hizbul Islam and Shabaab claimed to have killed four soldiers during fighting with government forces in northern Mogadishu. Three people were wounded in an IED attack that targeted foreign workers in Galkayo.


Iran™s investigations into abuses are a sham, says Amnesty International

Five Muslim Americans detained in Pakistan were en route to Waziristan

The is plenty of interesting information available on the five Americans detained in Pakistan who were trying to link up with al Qaeda and allied terror groups within Pakistan. The radicalization process and recruitment via the Internet by “Saifullah,” a known jihadist, will certainly raise some eyebrows. Ultimately, it seems all roads to jihad pass […]


Battle against piracy can only be won in Somalia itself, not at sea


US spy drones are latest weapon in fight against Somali piracy

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq, al Qaeda’s front group, took credit for the Dec. 8 suicide attacks in Baghdad that resulted in 127 Iraqis killed and more than 500 wounded. “Bastions of evil and dens of apostates” were the targets of the attacks, the terror group said in a statement released on he Internet.

The Taliban

The Taliban accused South Korea of breaking a secret agreement and threatened the country after leaders said 350 troops would be deployed as part of the “surge.” South Korea’s leaders “should be prepared for the consequence of their action, which they will certainly face,” a Taliban statement read. “They had promised to withdraw their troops […]


Fifty Taliban fighters surrendered to the government in Baghlan. The Taliban killed a former mujahedeen commander and former mayor of Kunduz City. The US is investigating claims of civilian deaths in Laghman province; the governor said four Taliban fighters and 11 civilians were killed in the Dec. 7 operation.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Andalus, the media arm of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, has demanded from the Spanish government “the freedom of our tortured detainees from your prisons” in exchange for the three Spanish hostages. Three Spaniards and one French national are being held in northern Mali at AQIM™s “security bases” and are reportedly in “good […]


Amnesty International released a study on Iranian human rights abuses. Parliament Speaker Larijani claimed the US abducted a missing nuclear scientist in Saudi Arabia. The Russian firm Rosatom announced that the Bushehr nuclear power plant will be finished by next year.

Five Muslim men missing from US reportedly arrested in Pakistan

CNN reports on a story that has broken over the past couple of days: Five people arrested in Pakistan had been reported missing in the United States, and police are confident they were planning terrorist acts, a Pakistani police official told CNN. It is too soon to link the men with any terrorist organizations, said […]


Kenyan courts on legal front line in battle to stop Somali pirates


The military claimed 589 Taliban fighters and 79 Pakistani soldiers were killed during the South Waziristan operation. Three Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur. The Taliban bombed two schools in Khyber.

United States

Five American Muslims were detained in Pakistan and are under investigation in the US for links to terrorist groups. The men left a video that indicated they sought to wage jihad, which prompted their families to contact authorities. The men sought to join Jaish-e-Mohammed and Jamaat ud Dawa.


Bombings prompt calls for Iraqi government purge


The Shabaab suicide bomber that struck at a graduation for medical students was a Danish citizen. Ten Somalis were killed in shelling in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam killed two students during a demonstration in Elasha Biyaha. Pirates hijacked a Pakistani-flagged ship.

Shabaab suicide bomber was Danish citizen

Image of a Shabaab fighter from the terror group’s website. Shabaab, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia, continues to use outsiders to conduct suicide attacks. The Dec. 3 suicide attack during the graduation ceremony for medical students was carried out by a Dane. The attack killed three Somali ministers as well as a doctor and a […]


Pakistan arrests 5 men reported missing in United States