Yearly Archives: 2009


Terrorists detonated a bomb and threw two grenades in front of a hotel in Yala, causing minor damage to vehicles and buildings. No one was injured, although militants started fires at two warehouses and and a furniture shop.


Rogue Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters bombed a major bridge in Maguindanao and burned several local homes. Abu Sayyaf released three schoolteachers abducted in Zamboanga in January. The US announced $2.5 million in rewards for Abu Sayyaf members involved in the kidnapping of three Americans in 2001.


The Taliban advances: ‘If we now kill schoolgirls, you shouldn’t be surprised’


The Army said 29 Taliban fighters and six soldiers were killed in Swat, and 14 Taliban fighters were captured; half of Mingora has been cleared, while the Taliban radio channel has stopped broadcasting. The military killed six Taliban fighters in South Waziristan. Mullah Fazlullah has ordered the Taliban to stop fighting in Mingora, and Sufi […]

North Korea

North Korea followed up Monday’s nuclear weapon test by launching three short-range missiles into the Sea of Japan. United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Japan, and South Korea met to discuss possible UN sanctions on North Korea.


Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has been officially named the leader of Hizbul Islam. Seven people were killed in shelling in Mogadishu as Somali troops have deployed to secure the airport. More than 200 pirates reportedly renounced the illegal practice.

Central Asia

Insurgents conducted an attack in the Uzbekistan town of Khanabad at or near the border crossing with Kyrgyzstan. The border has been sealed and security forces have deployed around the Ferghana Valley. Uzbek officials say only two militants were involved and independent news outlets state numbers of around 20 while claims a governmental building […]


More than 28 Taliban fighters and one Afghan soldier were killed in a five-day operation in the Bala Murghab district in Badghis province. Afghan commandos killed 13 Taliban fighters in the Kharwar district in Logar province. A suicide bomber killed three US soldiers and three Afghan civilians in an attack in Kapisa province.


A US soldier, a State Department official, and a contractor were killed in an IED attack outside Fallujah. Iraqi forces detained an al Qaeda fighter from Tunisia near Samarra and a man they claimed is the brother of Islamic State of Iraq leader Abu Omar al Baghdadi in Jalawlaa. One civilian was killed and three […]


An anti-fundamentalist mufti was killed in Dagestan’s capital. One serviceman was killed in an IED attack in Chechnya, and a suicide bomber detonated his vehicle in Grozny. One policeman was killed in Kabardino-Balkaria. On Monday, four police officers were killed by a landmine planted by militants in Ingusetia.


Ali Salem al Bedh, the former vice president of Yemen, accused Naser Abdel Karim al Wahishi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, of working with President Saleh’s internal security apparatus. On May 21, al Bedh assumed leadership of the Southern Mobility movement and called for South Yemen to secede.


Six Taliban were killed in Swat as fighting continues in Mingora. The military said it took control of Malam Jabba. The Taliban are seeking recruits, weapons, and money to continue the fight in Swat. The Taliban killed three Shia in Dera Ismail Khan, three policemen in Kohat, and three more policemen in Haripur; and bombed […]


Police disarmed an IED made with chemical fertilizers and packed with nails at a ticket office in the port of Nasipit in Agusan del Norte. According to the Italian ambassador, Abu Sayyaf captive and Italian citizen Eugenio Vagni is expected to be released from captivity within the week. Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters launched several […]


Iraqi Army: almost one-quarter lacks minimum qualifications


President Ahmed said Somalia has been “invaded by foreign fighters, who are using Somali factions and their objective is to keep the country in chaos and to hide international criminals.” The Somali cabinet has agreed to close all ports to halt the flow of weapons into the country during a visit by the UN Special […]


Afghan and Coalition forces killed eight Taliban fighters in the Deh Rawood district in Uruzgan province, killed three Taliban fighters and captured three more in Lashkar Gah in Helmand province, and destroyed a drug and bomb factory in the Sangin district in Helmand. ISAF forces destroyed more than $3 million of heroin in eastern Afghanistan. […]


Security forces detained 60 insurgents in Karbala, four members of an “assassination gang” behind the murder of a general in Basrah, and a Special Groups commander in Al Kut. The secretary general of the Thar Allah was sentenced to life in prison. Insurgents wounded three female students in Mosul.