Yearly Archives: 2009


Security forces surrounded an apartment building in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria. A firefight ensued, resulting in the deaths of four insurgents; among them may be the rebel leader Anzor Astemirov. Security forces are continuing joint operations against insurgents in Ingusetia and Chechnya for the 11th day. Chechen President Kadyrov claims 21 terrorists have been […]


A 30-man unit of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters killed nine Algerian soldiers in an ambush in Biskra province. One al Qaeda fighter was also killed during the fighting.


The global economic crisis and Iraq’s future


The Army attacked an Abu Sayyaf jungle outpost on Basilan island, killing two leaders and eight insurgents who were involved in the beheading of a farmer and the kidnapping of three school teachers who were freed yesterday. Rogue members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front were attached to the Abu Sayyaf militants in their jungle […]

Recently freed teachers recall ordeal of Abu Sayyaf captivity


Army chief says US ready to be in Iraq 10 years


Shabaab called the UN Security Council’s decision to extend the African Union peacekeeping mandate in Somalia an “atrocity to the Muslims.” Shabaab banned men and women from sitting together on public transportation in Kismayo. Islamic Courts forces supporting the government vowed to retake the Middle Shabelle region from Shabaab and Hizbul Islam.


A terrorist assault team killed 16 policemen and seven intelligence officials in a complex suicide and conventional attack in Lahore. The Taliban reportedly took credit for the attack. The military killed 12 Taliban fighters in Swat and killed 15 more in Waziristan. The government offered rewards for the capture of 21 Swat Taliban leaders. Six […]


The US Treasury Department added two Africa-based Hezbollah officials to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list. Kassim Tajideen is “an important financial contributor” whose brother is a military commander in Lebanon. Abd Al Menhem Qubaysi is based out of Cote d’Ivoire, serves as the personal representative of Hassan Nasrallah, and helped establish an official Hezbollah […]


Iraq to arrest 1,000 ‘corrupt’ officials

North Korea

North Korea said it was no longer bound by the 1953 truce and threatened to attack South Korea for joining a naval force that plans on checking ships transporting equipment used in weapons of mass destruction. “Any hostile act against our peaceful vessels including search and seizure will be considered an unpardonable infringement on our […]


Afghan and ISAF forces killed 15 Haqqani Network fighters while repelling a complex attack on a patrol base in Paktia province. Afghan and US troops killed Al Qaeda and Haqqani Network fighters and detained 10 more during operations in Logar and Khost provinces. A candidate for the Ghazni provincial council was kidnapped on May 26.


A Diwaniyah criminal court issued death sentences for eight Special Groups leaders. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Kirkuk and four insurgents in Hit. Four policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Fallujah and two civilians were wounded in an IED attack in Baghdad.


Suspects arrested as massive car bomb in Pakistani city kills at least 30 and leaves 250 injured