Yearly Archives: 2009

Amnesty International: Investigate connection between Abu Sayyaf and military


Wanted terrorist and master bomb maker Husayn al Umari, who is better know as Abu Ibrahim, is thought to be residing in the northwest Lebanese city of Tripoli. Umari was behind several bombings in the 1980s and was sheltered by Iraqi intelligence for decades. He is thought to have played a role in the Iraqi […]


The security minister and the finance minister were attacked as they traveled in eastern Ethiopia. Government troops captured then executed three teenage boys in Mogadishu. A Hizbul Islam commander was killed in Mogadishu.


The military said 22 Taliban fighters and six commanders were killed in Swat, and five fighters and two commanders were captured as the towns of Peochar and Bahrain were cleared. Five Taliban fighters were killed in Dir. Rewards for Mullah Fazlullah and 20 other commanders have been drastically increased. One policeman was killed and 15 […]


“Gunmen” attacked President Ahmadinejad’s campaign office in the southern city of Zahedan; three civilians, including a child, were wounded. Iranian leaders blamed the US and Jundallah for yesterday’s attack on a mosque in Zahedan that killed 19 people. Jundallah said it launched a suicide attack against a secret IRGC meeting at the mosque.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 35 Taliban fighters in the Day Chopan district of Zabul after being ambushed by a Taliban force; 13 Taliban fighters were captured. A Taliban force ambushed a convoy of trucks in Zabul’s Shinkai district, four truckers were killed and 10 trucks were destroyed.


Six civilians were killed in Diyala, two children were killed in a bombing in Sulaimaniya, one Awakening leader was killed in Baqubah, and a US soldier was killed in Ninewa. Five civilians were wounded during clashes in Sinjar. Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah.

Al Qaeda

Pakistani security forces detained Sheikh Issa al Masri during a raid earlier this year. Sheikh Issa is the spiritual adviser for Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the leader of al Jihad fi Waziristan, an al Qaeda branch in North Waziristan. Issa has indoctrinated thousands of Taliban fighters with the Wahabbi version of Islam practiced by al […]


Pak capable of shooting down US drones, but it could ignite war: PAF chief


Thirty people were killed and more than 80 were wounded in an explosion during prayers at the second largest mosque in the city of Zahedan, the capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province. The mosque was reportedly leveled in the explosion. No group has taken credit for the attack.


The Taliban killed eight people in attacks in Peshawar and Dera Ismail Khan; two Taliban were killed and two were detained during the attacks. Hakeemullah Mehsud took credit for the Lahore attack and said more are to come in the major cities. Security forces detained 50 suspects in the Lahore attack, six Taliban fighters in […]

Taliban strike in Peshawar

Eight Pakistanis were killed in three bombings and an ambush in the provincial capital of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province. The Taliban take credit for the Lahore strike and threaten to attack in Pakistan’s major cities.


Violence is building in Yemen’s northern Sa’ada province as soldiers and pro-government tribesmen attack homes, villages, and public roads despite a truce that ended the four-year war last July. The International Crisis Group warned yesterday the conflict has become “self-perpetuating, giving rise to a war economy,” noting that the “destruction of entire villages and infrastructure […]


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 29 Haqqani Network fighters during a raid in Paktika province. The Taliban killed seven civilians in a mortar attack in Asadabad. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in an IED attack in southern Afghanistan.


Security forces detained 30 wanted men in Diyala, 15 in Basrah, and two more in Ramadi. A US sailor was killed in an IED attack in Fallujah. Insurgents killed a mother and daughter in Mosul and a member of the Diwaniya provincial council.