Yearly Archives: 2009


Pakistan – Taliban recruits teenage suicide bombers for revenge attacks


6 dead in battle between Hamas, Palestinian police


Iranian officials defuse bomb found on plane

Al Qaeda

Senior al Qaeda spokesman and ideologue Abu Yahya al Libi called for the takeover of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and for planning to prevent the US from seizing Pakistan’s nukes after a Taliban revolution in the country. Libi made the statements in a book titled ‘Sharpening blades against Pakistan’.


The United Kingdom and China are blocking India’s efforts to place Jaish-e-Mohammad founder Maulana Masood Azhar on the terrorist list. The two countries are also blocking India’s attempt to place Lashkar-e-Taiba operational commander Azam Cheema and ideologue Abdul Rehman Makki on the terrorist list.


Twelve Taliban fighters and six policemen were killed, and four Taliban fighters were captured during clashes in Farah province. Afghan and Coalition forces killed the Taliban district chief of the Imam Sahib district and four fighters in Kunduz province, and captured four more fighters in Helmand province.


The former trade minister who was wanted on corruption charges was arrested after his airplane was turned back in mid-flight. Insurgents killed four policemen in Samara, one policeman in Mosul, and a woman in Kirkuk, and wounded two journalists in Mosul. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Kirkuk.


Security services broke up a plot by Hezbollah to attack the Israeli embassy in the capital of Baku. Police captured two Hezbollah operatives from Lebanon after a car chase and found explosives, binoculars, cameras, pistols with silencers, and reconnaissance photos. Subsequent raids on safe houses pointed to a plot to attack the embassy.


Iran calls in Pakistan envoy over mosque bomb

Rogue Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters are on a rampage in Philippines


Pakistan/Afghanistan – Drones could face legal challenge in US


The military said Mingora has been secured; 25 Taliban fighters, including two commanders, and one soldier were killed in Swat and ten more were killed in Dir. The Taliban denied claims that eight of its fighters were killed in Kohat. Two Taliban fighters and a soldier were killed in a clash in North Waziristan.


According to a report, the Pakistani government has presented evidence to the Lahore High Court of Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed’s connections to al Qaeda. The evidence has been presented in a closed session and the court is considering extending Saeed’s house arrest.


Thirty Taliban fighters and nine Afghan soldiers have been killed during several days of fighting in the Taliban-controlled district of Balamurghab in Badghis province. Afghan and Coalition troops killed five Taliban fighters in Helmand province and detained three al Qaeda fighters in Khost. Two ISAF troops were killed in southern Afghanistan. The governor of Kunduz […]


Security forces detained seven wanted men in Kirkuk, three suspected in a bombing in Basrah, and a local official and his brother in Al Kut. An arrest warrant was issued for the former trade minister. Three civilians were wounded in a bombing in Mosul.