Yearly Archives: 2009


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front detonated an improvised explosive device while a group of soldiers and civilians were washing in a creek in Maguindanao, killing a soldier and a civilian and wounding four others. MILF bombed two electrical transmission towers in Maguindanao, knocking out power over a wide area.

Abu Sayyaf releases Sri Lankan hostage


A day before the Prime Minister was to deliver a talk on security in the southern provinces, a mobile phone-activated bomb exploded at an elementary school in Narathiwat province, wounding two teachers. A similar device exploded in Yala province, wounding three police officers. On Tuesday, insurgents dressed in Army uniforms and manning a fake roadblock […]


Shabaab said the government in Mogadishu failed as fighting resumed in the capital. Pro-government Islamic Courts Union forces retreated from Mahaday. Government officials said they plan to recapture the Bay and Bakool provinces.


Tide in Swat decisively changed against terrorists: Kayani


The military said 10 Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in Swat and Buner. Sufi Mohammed and other TNSM leaders were reportedly arrested in Dir. A senior Taliban leader in Charsadda was detained. The Taliban killed six policemen and a paramilitary trooper in Mardan, released the remaining 48 hostages in North Waziristan, and bombed […]


Indian anti-terror police in Delhi detained a key operative for Lashkar-e-Taiba in India and Nepal. The operative was to establish new sleeper cells to conduct attacks in India. The Punjab provincial government will appeal the release of Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed.


Nine Iraqis were killed in a bombing in Baghdad and one more was killed in a suicide attack in Mosul. Iraqi and Coalition forces detained terrorist cell leaders and four aides in Baqubab and Qayyara, four Special Groups fighters in Al Kut, and an Iranian in Basrah. Romania has ended it mission in Iraq.


Three US soldiers were killed and one was wounded in an IED attack in Kapisa province. Afghan and Coalition forces captured four Haqqani Network fighters and detained a journalist and two others in Khost province. Afghan troops killed a suicide bomber in Paktika province. A kidnapped provincial council candidate in Ghazni was found dead.


Royal Navy captures Somali pirates… and sets them free


Fifty of the kidnapped cadets in North Waziristan are still missing. The military said the Swat offensive may continue for months and claimed 20 Taliban hideouts in Haripur were destroyed. The government claimed the second and third tier leadership of the Swat Taliban has been eliminated.

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula admitted that Abu Hareth Muhammad al Awfi, a Saudi who served as senior commander in the terror group, turned himself in to Saudi authorities. Awfi rejoined al Qaeda after being released from Guantánamo Bay detention facility and was on Saudi Arabia’s most wanted list.