Yearly Archives: 2009


Gates to meet with allies on Afghanistan, wants progress within a year


Yemeni prosecutors are demanding the death penalty for 11 Yemenis, four Syrians, and a Saudi currently on trial for carrying out 13 strikes against oil facilities, foreign tourists, and government institutions over the past two years. The verdict is expected on July 13.


German intelligence believes al Qaeda will attempt to strike inside the country and against Germans overseas prior to the upcoming national election scheduled for Sept. 27. The North Africa-based al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has been tasked with carrying out the strikes.


A Taliban assault team killed 11 people in a complex suicide attack on a hotel in Peshawar. The Pakistani military killed 20 Taliban fighters during an operation in Bannu, killed 27 Taliban fighters in Dir and Swat, and detained the Swat emir of the TNSM in Peshawar. The Taliban killed three people in attacks in […]

Al Qaeda

Abu Haakim, a bodyguard for Osama bin laden, was killed, possibility during fighting against Coalition forces in Afghanistan, according to a martyrdom release published by Elif Media on Turkish jiahdi websites. The statement was not clear about the circumstances of Abu Haakim’s death.


The US has released Asaib al Haq leader Laith al Qazali as part of a prisoner exchange for British hostages. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah, six al Qaeda fighters in Fallujah, three gang members in Karbala, and two insurgents in Mosul. Two policemen were wounded in an IED attack in Fallujah.


Taliban fighters killed two civilians and wounded 52 more, including many children and three US soldiers, in a grenade attack in Kunar province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained nine Taliban fighters in Helmand province, four in Khost, and two more in Paktia.

US releases Iraqi Shia terror group leader

Laith-Qazali.JPGLaith al Qazali, the brother of Qais Qazali and a leader of the Qods Force-backed League of the Righteous, a Mahdi Army splinter group, was set free as part of negotiations to secure the release of five British hostages.


Iran’s main nuclear plant expanding rapidly, says IAEA

Philippine military pledges to continue fight against rogue MILF rebels

Thai Prime Minister: Fight insurgency with development


The military said 21 Taliban fighters were killed in Swat, Dir, and Buner and six more were captured in Darra Adam Khel. Police detained members of the Punjabi Taliban in Sargodha. The Taliban killed a policeman in an IED attack in Peshawar and took more than 100 TNSM members hostage in Bajaur. Twelve people were […]


Muslim terrorists stormed a mosque in Narathiwat province, sprayed the worshipers with gunfire as they prayed, and murdered 11 civilians, including an Imam. A Muslim man was murdered by insurgents in Yala province.