Yearly Archives: 2009


A Taliban commander with links to Iran’s Qods Force may have survived the June 10 airstrike in Ghor province; 10 civilians were reported killed in the strike. Afghan and Coalition forces killed 41 Taliban fighters in Badghis and Farah provinces.


A senior military intelligence officer who was investigating al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the kidnapping and murder of a British citizen was assassinated in the city of Timbuktu. Two men entered the officer’s home and shot and killed him.

The Taliban

Both Hakeemullah Mehsud’s Taliban faction and a group called the Abdullah Uzaam Brigade took credit for the June 9 complex suicide attack on the Pearl Continental Hotel in Peshawar that killed 17 people. Hakeemullah launched the attack because he thought the US was conducting intelligence activities there.


No terrorism suspects on Air France flight: police


More than 30 soldiers based in Mogadishu and originally from the pro-government faction of the Islamic Courts have defected and joined Hizbul Islam. The US Navy warned that Somali pirates are expanding operations beyond the Somali coast and have begun to target ships in the Red Sea.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda ideologue and strategist Mustafa Setmariam Nasar is reportedly in Syrian custody. Nasar, also known as Abu Musab al Suri, was detained in Pakistan in 2006 and transferred to various US black sites before being sent to Syria. He is wanted by Spain in connection with the 2004 Madrid train bombings.


Turkey, Iraq sign military cooperation deal


Security forces killed 100 Taliban fighters in Bannu and 23 more in Swat; a Taliban commander also surrendered in Swat. A lashkar in Dir killed two Taliban fighters. Six terrorists were detained in Islamabad. The UN suspended operations in Peshawar. The US delivered four MI-17 helicopters to the Pakistani military.


In Ghor province, a Coalition airstrike killed a Taliban leader with links to Iran’s Qods Force; the strike also killed 16 other fighters. In Uruzgan province, 30 Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during three days of fighting. The Afghan Army killed five Taliban fighters and two more in Kunar province. In Kunduz yesterday, […]


Terrorists killed 26 civilians in a car bomb attack in Nasariyah. Two insurgents were killed while planting an IED in Huwaiyja. Security forces detained seven gunmen in Baqubah, five wanted men in Diyala, and two more two in Wasit. The Naqshabandiya group claimed it shot down a Predator. The government will press ahead with a […]


The representative of the General Mission of the Caucasus Emirate has denied claims of Doku Umarov’s death, calling them Russian fabrications. One officer died in a shootout with insurgents in Dagestan. A top judge was assassinated in Ingushetia; this high-profile killing follows closely after the assassination of Dagestan’s interior minister on June 5.


Hope for British hostages in Iraq after release of Shia militant


Kamsa Limaya, an Abu Sayyaf leader, was arrested on June 4 at a checkpoint in Basilan in connection with kidnappings in 2008. An Army soldier was killed and two were wounded in Maguindanao when their truck hit a land mine placed by Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters. The Army also accused MILF of contaminating a […]


Iranian cleric slams Ahmadinejad ‘fabrications™

Questions and answers – Thailand’s insurgency

Echoes of Tamil Tigers in Philippine insurgency