Yearly Archives: 2009


Shadowy Iranian Vigilantes Promise Bolder Action


A US strike in South Waziristan killed 11 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters. The military said 34 Taliban fighters were killed in Swat and Upper Dir, and the Swat operation is nearly over. The Taliban killed two “US spies” in North Waziristan and bombed a school in Khyber.


Four militants were killed when over 100 Thai soldiers and police surrounded and cleared a village in Yala province. Prime Minister Vejjajiva stated that insurgents operating in southern Thailand have no connection to the al Qaeda network, claiming that the insurgents have little organization.

Thai Muslims: Development aid will not end insurgency


India’s counterterrorism Multi-Agency Centre reported that there are 42 terror training camps inside Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir that are devoted to attacks inside India and Indian-held Kashmir. There are 17 “active” and four “holding or dormant” camps inside each of the two regions that train and house an estimated 2,200 terrorists.


Hundreds of thousands of Iranians joined presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi in Tehran to mourn those killed during protests since last weekend’s election that was declared in favor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mousavi urged the crowds to conduct peaceful demonstrations.


Battle against Pakistan’s top Taliban leaders demands specialized military tactics


Tech-savvy protesters battle Iranian government in cyberspace


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed the interior minister and a former ambassador during an attack outside a hotel in Beletwein that killed more than 20 people. Ten more Somalis have been killed during fighting in Mogadishu. The Hawiye clan denounced African Union troops for shelling in the capital.


Security forces detained 25 wanted men in Basrah, 10 in Kirkuk, and six more in Dhi Qhar, an a al Qaeda leader in Ramadi, and a Special Groups leader in Wasit. One mortar shell landed in the Green Zone, no casualties were reported.


Six Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during fighting in Khost province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained five Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia province, two Taliban fighters in Kandahar province, and a Taliban leader in Farah province. The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters killed 21 policemen in a complex ambush in the town of Bordj Bou Arreridj. The policemen were escorting Chinese engineers when the convoy was hit with an roadside bomb attack and then targeted with gunfire. The terrorists stole the policemen’s weapons and uniforms after the ambush.


Iraq: Police arrest ‘Al-Qaeda commander’


Killing of US soldier casts light on Mosul police


Demonstrations continue in Iran as the death toll of protesters killed by the police and Basij rose to 32. The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps warned it would crack down on journalists and online media for publishing items that “create tension.” The government complained that the US is interfering with Iranian affairs.


Activities within Pakistan led to differences with Baitullah Meshsud: Qari Zainuddin