Yearly Archives: 2009


The military said more than 30 Taliban fighters were killed in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed a Peshawar policeman. Security forces detained 17 suspected terrorists in Punjab and a bomber in Lahore. Sufi Mohammed is reportedly in custody. The government is negotiating with the pro-Taliban tribes in Jani Khel.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda and the Taliban have succeeded in maintaining their coffers through a host of methods, including kidnappings, extortion, taxing drug routes, illegal money transfers from Western countries through hawalas, and falsely inflating prices of products, such as honey from Yemen. Islamic charities are still funneling money to the terror groups.


Was minister of state™s foreign exchange firm financing terrorists war on Pakistan?


The government declared a state of emergency while the speaker of parliament requested that Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Yemen, and other countries send troops to Somalia as soon as possible. A member of parliament was killed during heavy fighting in Mogadishu.


Iran’s Mousavi says ready for martyrdom: ally


Sixty-seven Iraqis were killed and more than 200 were wounded in a massive suicide bombing in front of a Shia mosque in Kirkuk. Three Awakening fighters were killed in a suicide attack that targeted the group’s leader in Karmah. Iraqi troops killed a Special Groups leader in Basrah.


Pakistan – Ahmed Mehmood warns against insurgency in South Punjab


A Saudi member of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula surrendered to Yemeni authorities. Naif Duhais Yahya al Harbi has provided “important information that will lead to the arrest of a number of dangerous members of the organisation,” according to the interior ministry.


Sixteen Taliban fighters and one policeman was killed during fighting in Uruzgan province. The Taliban killed six civilians in a bombing in Herat and two ISAF soldiers in attacks in southern and eastern Afghanistan. Polish and Afghan troops captured 29 Taliban fighters during an operation in southeast Afghanistan. One Haqqani Network fighter was detained in […]


A suicide bomber detonated near the shrine of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran. The Guardian Council reported that it is ready to recount a tenth of the votes from the election, and is prepared to deploy riot police to quell future protests. Karoubi’s Etemad-e Melli party canceled its scheduled rally on Saturday due to lack of […]


Chants against West punctuate Khamenei’s defiant speech


Iran’s leader: End protests or risk ‘bloodshed’


Fifteen Taliban fighters and one Army major and a sergeant were killed in a clash in Bajaur. The military killed four Taliban fighters in Swat and Buner. The air force launched strikes against Baitullah’s hideouts in South Waziristan. The Taliban bombed three schools in Bajaur.


Police investigators told an Indian court that Lashkar-e-Taiba had direct links to Maoists in Jharkhand. The information came from Mohd Omar Madni, a leader for Lashkar-e-Taiba in India and Nepal, who was detained earlier this month.


Iraq, Afghanistan wars coordinated from afar


Insurgents killed two soldiers in Jalawlaa, a soldier and a civilian and the coach of the national karate team in Mosul, and a policeman in Khanaqin. Security forces detained nine guards for Basrah’s provincial council, six wanted men in Maysan, and one more in Al Kut.


Iraq confident about security after US troops leave towns


Casualties in yesterday’s suicide attack in Betelweyn rose to 35 killed and more than 50 wounded. The Kenyan government said it was prepared to intervene in Somalia to stem the deteriorating security situation. Ethiopian troops visited the town of Elberde in Bakol province to meet with town elders.


UK summons Iran™s ambassador over Khamenei speech


The Taliban beheaded a student at Kandahar University and kidnapped another and killed two ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in southern Afghanistan. Afghan and Coalition troops killed Haji Ghulam Jan, a Taliban logistics expert and IED facilitator, during a raid in Farah province.


Supreme Leader Khamenei addressed an audience at Tehran University during Friday prayers praising the reelection of President Ahmadinejad as “epic moment that became a historic moment,” and stated that the Islamic Republic “would not betray the vote of the people.” This was the first public appearance by Ahmadinejad since his reelection. Candidates Mousavi and Karrubi […]