Yearly Archives: 2009

Al Qaeda

Senior ideologue and spokesman Abu Yahya al Libi called for Algerians to rise up against their “apostate” government and urged Tunisians, Moroccans, and other North Africans to join the jihad. “Mobilize your soldiers, line up your ranks, and unify your command,” al Libi implored on the 35-minute statement that was released by As Sahab on […]


Fourteen Iraqis were killed and 62 more were wounded during a series of IED attacks in Baghdad and Abu Ghraib. Two Iraqi soldiers and two policemen were killed in attacks in Mosul. Security forces detained nine wanted men in Basrah and eight more in Karbala.


Eight civilians were killed and 40 more were wounded during a suicide attack in front of a mosque in Khost province. Three Afghan soldiers were killed in a suicide attack on an Afghan Army convoy in Kandahar. The Afghan government said the Taliban control 11 districts and have a strong influence in 150 others.


Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the front group for the Lashkar-e-Taiba, has established a charity called the Falah-i-Insaniyat and opened an account in the Bank of Punjab in Lahore. The Falah-i-Insaniyat is accepting donations for the Swat relief effort and raising a significant amount of money.


Iran began three days of air force exercises in the Gulf and the Sea of Oman to raise operational and support capability. The Guardian Council announced possible polling irregularities in 50 districts. The Revolutionary Guards warned citizens of “revolutionary confrontation” if they return to the streets to protest. Mousavi received support from Ayatollah Zanjani. Hugo […]


Ingush terrorists have critically injured the President of Ingushetia and killed two of his bodyguards in a suicide attack on his convoy. This is the third suicide bombing since Doku Umarov announced the revival of the Riyad Us Saliheen martyr brigade in April. Two terrorists, including Adamei Dzhappuyev, the deputy for Jamaat leader Emir Saifullah, […]


The military said 27 Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur, 12 were killed in South Waziristan, and seven more were killed in Swat. A tribal lashkar killed seven Taliban fighters in Dir. Eight people were killed during clashes in Kurram. The Taliban wounded five people during rocket attacks on government installations in Khyber.


Iran’s brave revolutionaries can change nothing but the faces


Marines assaulted an outpost of Abu Sayyaf near Parang on Jolo island, killing four terrorists and forcing them deeper into the jungle. The military has shifted tactics against Abu Sayyaf, focusing on a campaign of attrition to aggressively reduce their fighting capacity.

International Crisis Group: Thai Islamic schools feeding insurgency

Al Qaeda

Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda commander in Afghanistan, said the terror group would use Pakistan’s nuclear weapons against the US. “God willing, the nuclear weapons will not fall into the hands of the Americans and the mujahideen would take them and use them against the Americans,” he said. He also said al Qaeda expected the […]


Iranian state media reported that 13 have been killed and 20 wounded in the protests taking place over the weekend. Rafsanjani’s daughter and three other relatives were arrested. Mousavi continued to demand a nullification of the election results. President Obama urged Iran “to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people.”


Abdullayev, the son of Chechen rebel leader Supyan Abdullayev, has disappeared after being deported from Egypt and arriving in Moscow. Egypt deported four other Chechens who were among the many arrested between May 26-27. Two insurgents were killed in a shootout in Dagestan. In Kabardino-Balkaria, four insurgents were killed in a shootout.


Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys vowed to fight any foreign troops in Somalia while Shabaab’s administration in Kismayo warned Kenya not to interfere. Ethiopia rejected Somalia’s request for troops but is reported to be moving forces to the border areas.


Insurgents killed three policemen and wounded four more in separate attacks in Baghdad and Ninewa, and killed a civilian in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces detained 13 wanted men in Dhi Qhar, 10 in Babil, and seven more in Basrah, and captured seven al Qaeda fighters in Anbar.


Two US soldiers were killed and six more were wounded during a rocket attack on the Bagram Air Base. The Taliban killed two policemen during an IED attack in Wardak province, three civilians during an ambush on a military convoy in Kunar province, and an imam in Nangarhar province who delivered funeral prayers to government […]


Bodies of two British hostages found in Iraq

Senior Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leaders meet with Baitullah

Siraj Haqqani, Abu Yahya al Libi, Abdul Haq, and two senior Taliban commanders met with the Pakistani Taliban chief to advise him to redirect his activities toward Afghanistan. The meeting took place the same week the US and Pakistani military launched airstrikes in South Waziristan and wounded a senior terrorist leader.


CQ Politics | NY Times was prepared to pay ransom for reporter kidnapped by the Taliban