Yearly Archives: 2009


Khamenei vowed that the government will stand firm on election results, stating “Neither the establishment nor the nation will yield to pressure at any cost.” President Obama condemned the government crackdown on protesters. The Obama administration contacted Khamenei before the election.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 25 Taliban fighters in Kandahar province, 23 more in Uruzgan province, and a senior IED facilitator and three associates in Farah province, and destroyed large drug and weapons caches in Zabul and Khost provinces. The Taliban killed seven civilians in an IED attack in Helmand province.


Report: Israel ready for possible Iran op


Clerics join Iran’s anti-government protests


Iran cracks down as reformists call for mourning


Signs Mousavi’s rebel stature being eroded in Iran

Philippines to create a terrorist watchlist


Four Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed and two Marines were wounded in intense fighting in Sulu province. On Saturday, at least 10 Moro Islamic Liberation Front insurgents were killed and 20 wounded in Maguindanao. Although the Phillippine constitution prohibits the participation of foreign troops in combat operations, US military commanders declared that their primary mission […]

Thailand may allow Shariah law in troubled south


Gates: Gulf nations support of Iraq contains Iran


The government agreed to allow the US to continue using the air base at Manas to support troops in Afghanistan. The yearly lease was raised from $17million to $60 million. Security forces killed fighters from the Islamic Movement for Uzbekistan during a raid on a safe house in western Kyrgyzstan.


More than 70 Taliban fighters were killed during two separate airstrikes in Makeen in South Waziristan. An Afghan Taliban commander was among those killed. Qari Zianuddin Mehsud, Baitullah’s main tribal rival, was assassinated in Dera Ismail Khan. The Taliban killed three policemen in Peshawar and a paramilitary policeman in Khyber. Security forces detained five Taliban […]


Chechen President Kadyrov has been given permission by Russian President Medvedev to annihilate insurgents in Ingushetia following the suicide attack on the Ingush President Yevkurov. The suicide bomber may have been female. Yevkurov is currently on artificial respiration and reportedly in grave condition after suffering damage to a host of organs, including his brain.


UK troops in Afghanistan carry out one of biggest air operations of modern times


The Taliban killed three German soldiers in Kunduz province, three foreign aid workers in Jawzjan province, and three policemen in Kandahar. A suicide bomber killed two civilians in an attack on a US military convoy in Ghazni province. British troops conducted a large air assault in Helmand province.


The Guardian Council refused to nullify the recent election results; its spokesman stated that “in the recent presidential election we found no witness of major fraud or breach in the election.” Ahmadinejad is to be sworn in at the end of July. Neda Agha-Soltan’s martyrdom becomes a symbol for the protest movement. Reza Pahlavi vowed […]

Baitullah’s rival killed in Dera Ismail Khan

One of Baitullah Mehsud’s followers shot and killed Qari Zainuddin Mehsud in Dera Ismail Khan. Zainuddin had denounced Baitullah and claimed he would fight alongside the military against Baitullah in South Waziristan.


Twenty-one Taliban fighters and civilians were killed in airstrikes in South Waziristan. A suicide bomber killed two policemen in Shangla. Interior Minister Rehman Malik denied he said that Mullah Fazlullah was wounded and surrounded. The military said the Swat offensive is in the final phase.

Hizb ut-Tahrir

Hizb ut-Tahrir America will host a conference in July 2009 at the Aqsa School in Bridgeview, Illinois. The conference is titled “The Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam” and is designed support the establishment of a global Caliphate.