Yearly Archives: 2009


Afghan and Coalition forces killed “several” Taliban fighters and detained nearly a dozen more during operations in Helmand, Wardak, and Ghazni provinces. One ISAF soldier was killed in an IED attack. The National Directorate of Security arrested seven members of a suicide bombing cell who were plotting to conduct attacks in Kabul. Lieutenant General Rodriguez […]


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed credit for the murder of an American aid worker in the capital. “Two knights of the Islamic Maghreb succeeded Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. to kill the infidel American Christopher Leggett for his Christianizing activities,” the statement read.


The government arrested 70 academics in a crackdown. Ahmadinejad told the Obama administration not to interfere with election results. Mousavi issued a web statement maintaining that elections were rigged; he has not been seen in public for days. Karroubi canceled a planned ceremony to mourn the deaths of protesters. Mohsen Rezaie withdrew complaints over election […]


Pakistan – Turkistan Baitni to ‘continue Zainuddin™s mission™


Algerian troops kill 11 terrorists linked to gendarme murders


Somali legislators flee abroad, Parliament paralysed


More than half of the parliamentarians have left the country; the parliament has not held a session since April 25. Shabaab threatened to kill the transportation minister. Members of parliament are negotiating with Shabaab and Hizbul Islam.

MILF leader asks for patience in war against Philippine government


Four policemen and a woman were wounded when Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters fired mortars at a military unit in Sultan Kudarat province. At least 20 MILF fighters attacked a road-building construction site in Maguindanao, killing a worker and wounding four other civilians. The military announced that General Ben Dolorfino, a Muslim convert, was appointed […]


Al Shabaab guerrilla threatens to kill Somalia Cabinet minister


Violence flares again on the street of Tehran


Iran TV: Partial vote recount verifies election result


Spate of attacks tests Iraqi city and US pullout


Iranian opposition tarred by public ‘confessions’ from arrested protesters


Pak officials behind killing of 11 French engineers: Report


Insurgents killed more than 55 civilians in in Baghdad, a soldier in Kirkuk, and a policeman in Mosul. Security forces detained 31 wanted men in Dhi Qhar, 20 in Fallujah, 19 in Basrah, eight in Maysan, and three in Al Kut. An Awakening leader in Fallujah dodged an assassination attempt.


US to appoint new ambassador to Syria: official


India has issued arrested warrants for 22 Pakistanis for complicity in the Novemeber 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Mohammed Saeed, and senior leaders Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah are among those charged. Pakistan has refused to extradite the men as it has no agreements with India.


Eighty-three Taliban fighters were killed in yesterday’s Predator strike that targeted senior Taliban leaders. The Taliban killed five soldiers in Swat and wounded two civilians in a rocket attack in Bajaur. Fifty-seven Air Force officials have been arrested for supporting terrorism. Police detained 25 terrorism suspects in Lahore and in Karachi.


57 Pakistani Air Force officials arrested over links with terrorists


The director of a US aid group working in Mauritania was shot and killed in the capital of Nouakchott. An unidentified gunman shot the aid worker in the head in the middle of the city. No groups have claimed responsibility.