Yearly Archives: 2009

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, released an audiotape titled “The Palestinian National Unity: A Worshipped Idol” via As Sahab, the terror group’s propaganda arm. Zawahiri called for Hamas and Fatah to wage jihad against the West and said President Obama is waging jihad against Islam.


Iran™s President Ahmadinejad plays nuclear card to rally his fractured nation


The Taliban killed seven policemen in Baghlan province and seven more in Helmand province. Afghan forces killed one Taliban fighter and detained three more in Takhar province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Haqqani Network facilitator in Khost and several Taliban fighters in Kandahar.


British intelligence documents revealed that Iran is at the final stage of testing a key nuclear weapons component. Foreign Minister Mottaki said three American students will stand trial. Western officials decried Iran’s amended offer for a nuclear fuel swap.


Secret document exposes Iran™s nuclear trigger


Americans, not Taliban pose threat to Pakistan’s nukes: Fazl


Seven Taliban fighters and two troops were killed in Kurram. Security forces detained Mullah Fazlullah’s driver in Mardan and four Taliban fighters in Quaidabad. The Taliban bombed a school in Mohmand and torched eight homes of government officials in Bajaur. The foreign minister said India is behind terror attacks in Pakistan.


Three people were killed when 30 fighters from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front assaulted a prison in Isabela City, Basilan province. The MILF fighters freed 31 inmates, including two MILF members behind the murder and beheading of Marines in Basilan in July 2007.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed five Taliban fighters and detained one more in Laghman province. The Afghan Army plans to send up to 10,000 troops to the south. Germany will not send any additional soldiers to Afghanistan to support the US surge of forces.


Insurgents killed two Iraqis in three bombings in Fallujah and a soldier in a bombing in Mosul. Iraqi security forces detained 12 wanted men in Basrah, seven insurgents in Fallujah, a Promised Day Brigade member in Baghdad, and the leader of a Naqshabandi cell in Mukayshifah and three cell members in northern Iraq.


Is the security situation in Iraq getting worse?


Hizbul Islam fighters stoned to death a man accused of adultery and shot a man accused of murder, before hundreds of people in Afgoye. At least three people were killed in clashes between government soldiers and insurgents in Mogadishu.


The US rejected Iran’s offer to exchange nuclear fuel on Kish Island. The government blamed protesters for the burning of an image of Ayatollah Khomeini; protesters said the government staged the event. President Ahmedinejad said Iran “will always stand by the Palestinian resistance” during a meeting with Hamas in Syria.

Has al Qaeda’s link with Yemen been severed?

Members of al Qaeda in Yemen announce the merger with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Center-left is Abu Hareth Muhammad al Awfi; far right is Said Ali al Shihri. Image courtesy of Nick Grace. If you just read the headline to this CBS News article, titled “Al Qaeda’s Yemen Connection May Be Dead,” on […]

Was CAIR responsible for the Zamzam arrests?

Recently, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) helped to alert US authorities that Ramy Zamzam and four of his friends from Northern Virginia had gone missing by encouraging the families to bring their information to the FBI after the families told CAIR about the disappearances. (For my initial post on this case, click here.) This […]


Iranian scientist who vanished ‘gave nuclear secrets’ to UN inspectors sent to Qom site

Pakistani officers charged with terror plot at airbase

BBC Urdu reported on Dec. 11 that Pakistani intelligence arrested three military officers officers for spying at the Shamsi Air Force base in Baluchistan province and “inciting army officers to commit acts of terrorism.” The court-martial of Col Shahid Bashir, Nadeem Ahmad Shah, a former air force pilot who is now an advocate, and Awais […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda propagandist and American traitor Adam Gadahn issued a video titled “The Mujahideen Do Not Target Muslims” and said the West was behind bombings that killed Muslims. He makes the claim that “…invariably, the enemies of Islam and Muslims pin the blame for them [the bombings] on the mujahideen. And invariably, the mujahideen’s denials […]