Yearly Archives: 2009


Iran’s security council tells Moussavi to back off


Thailand – Police wounded in Narathiwat bombing; Security tightened in wake of death plot discovery


Baghdad market blast increases tensions before June 30 US pullout from Iraqi cities

Al Qaeda

Sleeper cells and Shi™a secessionists in Saudi Arabia: A Salafist perspective


The military killed more than 30 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan, Bajaur, and Arakzai. Police killed five Taliban fighters during a shootout in Karachi. Three soldiers and a civilian were killed in an IED attack in North Waziristan. Eight more people were killed in sectarian clashes in Kurram.

The Taliban

Hakeemullah Mehsud of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing in Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir that killed two soldiers. The attack was the first of its kind in that region.


Thirteen Iraqis were killed in a motorcycle bombing in central Baghdad. Insurgents killed a solider in Mosul. Security forces detained 24 wanted men in Basrah and three members of an IED cell in Mosul. Police foiled a suicide attack in Amarah.


Authorities claimed that the election was “healthiest” in the last three decades. Khatami announced that protesters should be “dealt with cruelly and without mercy”; he accused foreign journalists of fomenting the demonstrations. Mousavi came under pressure to drop his election complaint. Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem-Shirazi called for national reconciliation in the post-election atmosphere. G-8 countries […]


Premier casting US withdrawal as victory for Iraq


Pakistan’s Asif Zardari faces army rebellion over India detente


Two Pakistani soldiers were killed and three more were wounded during the first recorded suicide attack in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The suicide bomber targeted a military convoy in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani Kashmir.


Fifty-two people have been killed in sectarian clashes in Kurram. Shah Doran, the Taliban’s deputy commander in Swat, was reported killed. Security forces detained five terrorists in Mianwali, three in Swat, and two more in Faisalabad. Seven security personnel were wounded during the raids in Swat and Faisalabad. The Taliban bombed a school in South […]


Insurgents killed nine civilians in Baghdad, four policemen and a police commander in Fallujah and Baghdad, and one soldier in Mosul. Security forces detained 20 men behind a failed assassination attempt of a Sadrist leader in Diwaniyah, and one wanted man in Wasit.