Yearly Archives: 2009


The Kandahar police chief and four policemen were killed in a shootout with what appears to be Afghan guards who work for the US. The US military denied involvement in the incident. An explosion at an IED factory in Paktika province killed at least 9 Haqqani Network fighters. One ISAF soldier was killed in eastern […]


A senior Sunni politician was assassinated in Ramadi. Security forces detained nine insurgents in Fallujah, six al Qaeda fighters in Diyala, and a tribal leader behind terror attacks in Khalis. Insurgents killed five policemen and a civilian in Mosul, and two policemen south of Mosul. The US released a senior aide to Muqtada al Sadr.


The Guardian Council began a recount of select ballots and extended the election probe by five days. The government released five of the nine arrested employees of the British embassy in Tehran. The chief official with the National Iranian Oil Company stated that unrest in country has not affected the energy sector.


An insurgent, a police officer, and a soldier were killed when security forces stormed a house in Yala province after gunmen attacked a joint patrol of soldiers and police. At least two gunmen managed to escape the government cordon.


Abu Sayyaf fighters killed seven policemen during an ambush in the town of Sumisip in Basilan province. Abu Sayyaf fighters also killed two Army engineers assigned to construct schools in the town of in Tipo-Tipo in Basilan.


Security forces arrested eight British diplomats for their alleged role in the post-election violence. The Expediency Council is due to release its verdict on the election results. Supreme Leader Khameinei vowed that government will deal with the election review under the law and seek national unity.


Eighteen Taliban fighters and 10 soldiers were killed during a Taliban ambush in North Waziristan. The government issued bounties for Baitullah Mehsud and 10 senior Taliban commanders. The military killed 11 Taliban fighters during airstrikes in South Waziristan. Security forces detained three terrorists in Swat and two more in Charsadda. The Taliban killed two soldiers […]


The Riyad-us-Saliheen martyr brigade, an arm of the Caucasus Emirate, claimed credit for last week’s suicide attack that killed three people and seriously wounded Ingush President Yunus Bek Yevkurov. “This operation has yet again showed the Kremlin and its slaves in the Caucasus that the mujahadeen are the legal authorities of this land and we […]


The Taliban killed seven policemen during two ambushes in Farah province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained six Haqqani Network fighters and conducted an airstrike against a group of fighters during separate operations in the Musa Khel district of Khost province. The Afghan police force will be expanded by an additional 10,000 officers. US envoy Richard […]


The streets of Tehran were calm as protesters decide their next move. The Expediency Council said that Khameinei’s word on the election is final. Ahmadinejad called Obama’s comments on the post election violence “insulting.” Basijj continued to carry out night raids and target private homes.


Pakistan – Military operation to be completed soon: Malik


Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters and four al Qaeda operatives during airstrikes in South Waziristan, and 13 Taliban fighters in Arakzai, and destroyed the bazaar in Jandola. A lashkar killed five Taliban fighters in Dir. Thirty-three people were killed during sectarian clashes in Kurram. Mullah Fazlullah’s family has been arrested.


Three killed in gunfight in Thai south, rebels surrounded


Iran pledges ‘crushing’ response to US critiques

Al Qaeda

Algerians note al-Qaeda ignorance of their nation’s history


Shabaab carried out double amputations on four men for stealing in Mogadishu. Ahlu Sunna Waljama™a imposed a curfew in the town of Abudwak. Ethiopia said it has no plans to redeploy troops to Somalia.


Iraqi forces detained four terrorists in Mosul and another in southern Iraq. US forces will continue to patrol in Basrah after the June 30 deadline to withdrawal from the cities. In northern Iraq, US forces will deploy around the cities.


A policeman shot and killed eight of his peers in Lashkar Gah in Helmand province. Afghan and Coalition forces detained three Taliban fighters in the Achin district in Nangarhar province. The US will phase out the poppy eradication program.