Yearly Archives: 2009


Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Al Kut, 12 in Fallujah, and 10 more in Diyala, and arrested four kidnappers in Dhi Qhar. Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and wounded two policemen and a civilian in Baghdad.


Pakistan’s Supreme Court rejected the government’s appeal to re-arrest Lashkar-e-Taiba/Jamaat-ud-Dawa founder and spiritual leader Hafiz Saeed. The court denied the detention on a technicality; the government has refiled charges.


Two Canadian soldiers and one British soldier were killed in a helicopter crash in Zabul province. One civilian was killed in an IED blast at a vegetable market in Khost province. US Marines established a new base in southern Afghanistan.


Reformist leaders called for the release of opposition detainees. The government said it will hold the US responsible if Israel attacks. Mousavi said he will lead the “legal opposition” to Ahmadinejad’s government. Shabestari said that China is Iran’s chief trading partner in Asia.

Pakistan releases Sufi Mohammed

The pro-Taliban cleric behind the failed Malakand accord was released after a two-month detention. The move comes as military operations are still underway in Swat.


The Hezbollah Brigades, the Iraqi branch of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah, said it was proud of being designated as a terrorist entity by the US government. “Classifying us on the American terror list means that we are still marching on the right path,” the group said in a statement.


Pakistan released Sufi Mohammed from detention. Security forces killed 25 Taliban fighters in North and South Waziristan, Bajaur and Swat. Police detained two Lashkar-i-Jhangvi members outside of Quetta. Police are considering creating anti-Taliban lashkars in Mianwali.

Bombing wounds 11 in southern Thailand

Moro Islamic Liberation Front has grown substantially in recent years

The Taliban

The Taliban launched Operation Iron Net in response to to the US Marine Corps offensive in Helmand province, called Operation Dagger. “Their Khanjar [dagger] will get stuck in our Foladi Jal [iron net],” Taliban spokesman Yousuf Ahmadi said.


Insurgents kidnapped a policeman in Kirkuk and wounded another during a shooting in Mosul. Fourteen Iraqis were wounded in a car bombing in Mosul. Two al Qaeda leaders were detained in Wasit province.

United Kingdom

Police detained 32 men during raids in London for plotting to attack mosques throughout the country. The men belong to the British National Party and are said to have been in possession of rocket propelled grenades, hand grenades, and explosives.


The Malian Army battled al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in the northern Sahel-Sahara desert for two days. Heavy casualties were reported on both sides but no casualty reports were issued. “The armed and security forces continue the pursuit operations on the field,” according to the Malian Interior Ministry.


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard acknowledges taking a bigger role in nation’s security


Four US military trainers were killed in an IED attack in Kunduz province and two more were killed in an IED attack in southern Afghanistan. A suicide bomber killed two Afghan drivers in an attack outside Kandahar Airfield. The Taliban released 16 UN de-miners who were kidnapped days ago.


More than 140 people were killed and 816 were wounded, and hundreds more were arrested after Uighurs staged protests in Urumqi, the capital of China’s northwestern province of Xinjiang. The government claimed foreign extremists were behind the riots.


Supreme Leader Khamenei warned the West about the “negative impact” of their election “meddling.” The government released another British embassy worker; one more worker remains in custody. The IDRO announced a partial privatization of over 150 native firms.


Pak terrorists fire rockets at Indian Punjab border villages


China – 3 dead as violence erupts in Xinjiang


Nineteen Taliban fighters were killed during clashes and airstrikes in North Waziristan, Arakzai, and Swat. Four soldiers were killed in separate clashes in Swat and Mohmand. Two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Dir. An aide to Mullah Fazlullah was reported to have been killed.