Yearly Archives: 2009


More than 33 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters were killed during Predator attacks in South Waziristan. The military said Mullah Fazlullah was critically wounded in Swat and the operation there is over, and two Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur. A suicide bomber was killed before he could reach his target in Peshawar. The Taliban […]


Nine Iraqis were killed and 22 more were wounded in two bombings in Mosul. Two Iraqis were killed and seven more were wounded in a rocket attack in Fallujah. Police detained an Iranian-trained labor activist accused of being a Special Groups leader.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Abu Omar Baghdadi, the leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq, advocated for continued attacks against US forces and called for members of the Awakening to rejoin the insurgency. “We tell them ‘Come back to your senses … Nothing better than repent and return to the ranks of jihadists and to leave the infidels,” […]


Twenty-one Taliban fighters and eight policemen were killed after the Taliban attacked government buildings in Nuristan’s Barg Matal district. US and Afghan forces killed “several” Haqqani Network fighters and detained six more during raids in Ghazni province; one woman was accidentally killed. A US Marine was killed during a firefight in Farah province.


Government security forces flooded Xinjiang province to instill calm after 156 people were killed during riots. Party officials in Urumqi promised to seek the death penalty for those responsible for the violence. President Hu Jintao returned to China after canceling a planned visit to the G-8 summit in Italy.


US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mullen warned that the “window is closing” for preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. President Ahmadinejad claimed on national TV that June 12 elections were the “healthiest, freest, and the most beautiful worldwide.” The Majlis moved to pass a bill that would redistribute energy subsidies.


Shabaab leader calls for Somali soldiers to hand over their weapon with in 5 days


In Afghanistan surge, soldiers negotiate complex web of local loyalties


Terrorists may be using Pak satphones to plot against India


Pakistan – Taliban, terrorists nurtured for short-term objectives: Zardari


Pakistan – 2500 fresh policemen being recruited in Swat to maintain law & order: Kaira


Four separate explosions in Mindanao killed 6 people and wounded 56, the deadliest of which occurred outside a Catholic church in Sulu province. The government dispatched 200 additional police to Lligian City, and ordered the military on full alert until President Arroyo’s State of the Union Address on July 27.


A US airstrike on a Taliban camp in South Waziristan killed 14 fighters. The Taliban killed a soldier in an ambush in North Waziristan, killed one man in a shooting in Peshawar, and wounded five policemen and three civilians in a IED attack in Bannu. Security forces killed two Taliban commanders and two fighters, and […]