Yearly Archives: 2009


Fifty-nine people, including 40 Shabaab fighters, three government soldiers, the chief of security for Mogadishu, and a Bangladeshi foreign fighter were killed uring heavy fighting in Mogadishu. The government has claimed to have retaken control of Mogadishu. Shabaab denied reports it beheaded criminals in Baidoa.

The Taliban

The US said it would not pursue talks with the Taliban until the group denounces al Qaeda and lays down its weapons. “The Taliban and al Qaeda are linked like this,” US Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke said. “And, unless the Taliban repudiates al-Qaeda publicly, this is a nonstarter.”


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Uruzgan province and retook control of the Barge Matal district in Nuristan province. Five US soldiers and Marines were killed in separate attacks. President Karzai™s campaign office was bombed in Panjshir.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released a Swiss hostage who was detained for nearly six months. The hostage was one of six Europeans captured in Niger and held in Mali. The group had demanded the release of Abu Qatada, al Qaeda’s spiritual leader in Europe.


Five Iraqis were killed in a bombing north of Mosul. Four Iraqis were killed and 24 more were wounded during bombings that targeted churches in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a government official in Kirkuk and the brother of an Awakening leader in Babil. Security forces detained six wanted men in Maysan, three terrorists in Anbar, and […]


The Taliban killed six policemen in Mansehra and three soldiers in Kohat. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters in Bajaur, one more in Dera Ghazni Khan, and captured 26 more in Swat and Malakand. Thirteen Pakistanis were the victims of targeted killings in Karachi.


Afghan forces killed 19 Taliban fighters in Uruzgan province and four more in Baghlan province. US and Afghan forces killed a Taliban commander in Logar province and detained three Taliban fighters in Herat. The Taliban killed five British soldiers in southern Afghanistan, nearly assassinated the governor of Ghazni province, and overran the Bargimatal district in […]


Abu Sayyaf released Italian Red Cross worker Eugenio Vagni. The military agreed to exchange for Vagni two captured wives and the children of senior Abu Sayyaf leader Albadar Parad. On Sunday, President Arroyo will meet with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency to discuss terrorism issues.


Bombings in Mosul killed four civilians and a policeman; another policeman was killed in a shooting. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Diyala, eight terrorists in Baghdad, and two members of an IED cell in Kirkuk. Warrants have been issued for two Sunni politicians.

The Taliban

A military spokesman denied a report by CNN that Major General Abbas said the Pakistan government can broker a deal between the US and the Taliban. Maulana Abdul Aziz called for the imposition of sharia law and warned of a “bloody revolution” if the government refused to implement it.


A report issued by India’s Defense Ministry said there is “clear evidence” that the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai was “was planned and launched by Pakistan.” “Pakistan™s history of military and quasi-military adventurism underscores the seriousness of the threat we face.”


Pakistan: Abdul Aziz cleric warns of ‘bloody revolution™


Mali troops hunt for Al Qaeda militants: military source

G8 summit could be the last as rising nations want their voices heard


Shabaab beheaded seven men in Baidoa for ‘crimes’ ranging from spying for the transitional government to being Christians. The beheadings were conducted in public. A soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu.


Security forces detained 10 suspected terrorists after identifying the suicide bomber behind the May suicide attack in Anidjan. The bomber was identified as Kamoliddin Matkosimo. He was trained in Pakistan and recruited Uzbek workers in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.


The US killed three Taliban fighters in an airstrike on a communications center in South Waziristan. Mullah Fazlullah denied reports he was gravely wounded. Sixteen Taliban fighters and six security personnel were killed during clashes in Bajaur. Ten Taliban fighters and six security personnel were killed during clashes in Zhob. Thirty Taliban fighters were turned […]