Yearly Archives: 2009


A court sentenced six members of an al Qaeda cell to death after they were convicted of conducting 13 terrorist attacks since 2007. Ten others were sentenced to terms of between eight and 15 years. The cell was behind the murder of nine Spanish and Belgian tourists, the attack on the US embassy in Sanaa, […]


Eleven people were killed in an explosion at a training camp in Punjab. Six Taliban fighters were killed and 10 were wounded after they attacked a police checkpost in South Waziristan. Security forces detained 13 al Qaeda operatives in Dera Murad Jamali and two members of the Ghazi Force in Islamabad. Pakistan’s interior minister said […]

UN resumes food aid to Mindanao

Philippine leaders call for an all-out offensive against Abu Sayyaf


India calls for international solidarity to combat terror


A court convicted Pakistan-born Aleem Nasir of financing and recruiting for al Qaeda in Europe. Nasir also provided binoculars, night-vision goggles, laser range-finders, digital compasses, and radios to al Qaeda fighters overseas.


The Taliban killed a senior police official and three officers in an IED attack in the Jalriz district of Wardak province, and a Coalition soldier in eastern Afghanistan. US and Afghan forces detained a Taliban commander in Ghazni province.


Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in Mosul and wounded seven adults and three children in separate bombings in Baghdad. The children were wounded in a bombing outside a Shia mosque. Security forces killed an IED cell member as he planted a bomb in Saadiya.


Police killed two Uighurs in Urumqi. Total fatalities since the riots broke out have reached 184. Riots left 74 seriously injured over the weekend.


Presidential candidate Rezai said the Islamic republic will suffer disintegration if quarreling sides fail to resolve the election dispute. Mousavi planned to launch a political party. Turkmenistan is to increase gas supplies to Iran to 14 billion cubic meters per year. The government will hang 14 members of Jundullah this week.


Anti-terrorist police detained nine members of the al Qaeda’s al Fateh Brigade in an Algiers suburb. The cell members, which included several women, were gathering intelligence on the movement of security officials and passing the information along to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Troops willing to die to stop Iran unrest, general says

French row over burqa ban unveils contradictions


Roadside bomb misses US ambassador to Iraq


Mirzo Ziyoyey, a Tajik Ex-minister and former Islamist rebel, was shot dead today. He was arrested on Saturday, along with five Chechen nationals, on suspicion of connections with the insurgents that attacked a police post near the Afghan border recently. He agreed to reveal the group’s hidden weapons and surrender, but a gun battle interrupted […]


Iranian clerics lash out at China over unrest


Security forces from the republics of Daghestan, Chechnya, and Ingushetia killed 17 insurgents during clashes over the weekend. Eight insurgents were killed in Grozny and outlying districts, five were killed in Daghestan, and four more were killed in Ingushetia.


US drone strikes futile, Al Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan: Rehman Malik


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters during airstrikes in South Waziristan, and five foreign fighters during a mortar attack in Lower Dir. Three Pakistani soldiers were killed in Swat, and security forces detained 16 Taliban fighters in Swat and 11 extremists in Khyber. The Taliban killed three ANP workers in Buner.