Yearly Archives: 2009


India – Manmohan moots convention on international terrorism

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri again urged Pakistanis to fight against the United States and the Pakistani government for backing the “Crusade” and asked Muslims to donate to al Qaeda. “The current ruling class in Pakistan is lining up under the cross of the modern Crusade and competing for American bribes,” Zawahiri said. “Hence, the actual ruler […]


China alerted its citizens in Algeria after al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb threatened to take revenge for the recent deaths of Muslim Uighurs during protests and riots in Urumqi. A Chinese diplomat in Jakarta stated that unrest in Urumqi is “just a brawl between several groups of people…There is no ethnic violence in the […]


US State Department officials claimed that three Qods Force operatives captured in Irbil, Iraq in 2007 and recently release from custody were being used as leverage against Iran. Libyan President Qadhafi announced support for a “peaceful” Iranian nuclear program. Iran’s State Inspectorate Organization revealed new regulatory plans for media outlets.


Two officers and two servicemen were killed in a shootout in Chechnya in the southwest district of Vedensky when forces engaged about 15 insurgents hidden in the forest. A bomb blast in Grozny also killed one officer. Three militants and a soldier were killed during a two-hour nighttime gun battle with police in Dagestan, the […]

Dead people on UN terrorism sanctions list: envoy


New advisory brigades to deploy to Iraq during troop rotations


A court sentenced Mohammed Ahmed Youssef Al Jaghbeer to death for his involvement in the 2002 murder of USAID administrator Laurence Foley. Jaghbeer facilitated communications between al Qaeda and the terror cell in Amman that killed Foley. He was captured in Iraq and transferred back to Jordan.


Pakistan: Spy agency exposes link between militants and religious schools


Baghdad match a football victory and security triumph

Al Qaeda

China must decide how to deal with al-Qaeda if it wants to stay in Africa

Thai government extends state of emergency in southern provinces


A tribal militia in Mohmand killed 23 Taliban fighters; three militiamen were also killed. Security forces killed nine Taliban fighters in Swat. Nearly 1,000 families have returned to Swat and Buner. The Taliban rocketed a police station in Peshawar and torched a NATO fuel tanker in Khyber.


The provincial government of Punjab withdrew its petition to the Supreme Court to have Lashkar-e-Taiba / Jamaat-ud-Dawa leader Hafiz Saeed and his aide Nazir Ahmed placed under house arrest. The Punjab administration said it does not have sufficient evidence to substantiate the case.


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam forces retook control of northern Mogadishu just one day after the government declared a “historic victory.” Two French security officials were kidnapped from a hotel in Mogadishu. Shabaab established a political administration in villages near Wanlaweyn.


Insurgents killed a policeman in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces detained 11 wanted persons in Miqdadiyah and two more in Makhmour; eight wanted men surrendered in Karma. US troops detained an IED cell leader in Baghdad.

Saudi Arabia

Forty-one of the 323 al Qaeda operatives who were tried and convicted are from outside Saudi Arabia. The 323 al Qaeda operatives received prison terms ranging from two-and-a-half years to 30 years. The interior minister said 991 al Qaeda operatives have received prison terms since 2004.


President Ahmadinejad is to start his second term in August. The national security commission discussed post-election events with the president and the judiciary chief. The US called on Iran to release an American scholar detained in Tehran’s Evin prison. A Qatari diplomat advocated the expansion of diplomatic ties with Iran.


Six civilians were killed in a helicopter crash in Helmand province; the Taliban claimed it shot down the helo. The Taliban killed three Afghans in an IED attack in Uruzgan, and an Italian soldier was killed in Farah province. Britain will send an additional 140 soldiers to Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda

CIA’s secret program: paramilitary teams to strike Al Qaeda