Yearly Archives: 2009


The Taliban killed a UN worker and a guard during a kidnapping attempt at a refugee camp in Peshawar and fired rockets at the homes of tribal leaders in Bajaur. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters and a commander in Swat and Malakand. Three civilians were killed in a landmine incident in North Waziristan.


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam split the custody of the two French security officials kidnapped at a hotel in Mogadishu just two days ago. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam split up the French officials to prevent a clash between the groups. Both have demanded a ransom for the release of the hostages.


In southern Basilan province, Marines and security forces rescued two fishermen who were captured by Abu Sayyaf terrorists and held for over three months. Red Cross worker Eugenio Vagni flew home to Italy after six months of captivity by Abu Sayyaf.


A villager and a security volunteer, both Muslims, were killed in separate drive-by shootings in Pattani province on Tuesday. In Narathiwat province on Wednesday, a roadside bomb injured a Thai soldier performing security duty for local teachers.

Gates considers temporary increase of soldiers, spokesman says


Iran will strike enemies ‘in the face™: Ahmadinejad


India-Pakistan peace talks on hold until terrorist activities are stopped: Singh


Eighteen Iraqis were wounded in an IED attack in northern Baghdad. Three policemen were wounded in a car bombing in Mosul. Security forces detained 11 wanted men in Basrah, five in Amarah, and one more in Tal Afar.


The Haqqani Network threatened to kill the captured US soldier if operations continued in Paktika and Khost provinces. A suicide bomber killed three policemen in Nimroz province. US and Afghan forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained four more in Kunar province, and detained 10 Haqqani Network fighters in Ghazni, Khost, and Paktika provinces.


Chechnya: Estemirova’s death raises questions about Kadyrov’s power


Mirhossein Moussavi is to appear in public at Friday prayers in Tehran. Gholam-Reza Aqazadeh resigned as head of government’s Atomic Energy Organization. Armenia declared a national day of mourning for the victims of yesterday’s deadly plane crash in Iran.


Security forces killed 28 Taliban fighters in Swat and Mohmand and five more Taliban and two civilians in South Waziristan; one soldier was killed during the clashes. The Taliban killed two Frontier Corps troops in Bannu and bombed a police checkpost in Mardan. Six Taliban surrendered to a peace committee in Mohmand and eight more […]


Seven locations in the state of Maharashtra have been placed under high alert after intelligence detained a Pakistani terrorist in Kashmir. The detainee had photographs of seven locations in his possession, including a bank and train stations in Mumbai. Officials believe another attack might be launched by sea as was the November 2008 strike in […]


UNIFIL: Lebanese arms cache a ‘serious violation’ of ceasefire


Iran – Mousavi: Protesters™ blood will not go in vain


Six Iraqis, including two policemen, were killed and 16 more were wounded in a bombing in Ramadi. Five Iraqis were killed and 28 were wounded in a bombing in Sadr City. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah, seven terrorists in Nasiriyah, and three al Qaeda fighters in Wasit, and destroyed an explosive factory […]


Iran could have atomic bomb within 6 months