Yearly Archives: 2009

United States

Secretary of Defense Bob Gates said the US would not stomach a drawn-out conflict in Afghanistan. “After the Iraq experience, nobody is prepared to have a long slog where it is not apparent we are making headway,” Gates told The Los Angeles Times. “The troops are tired; the American people are pretty tired.”


Renewed focus on foreign fighters and terrorist threats in Somalia


Pakistan – Musharraf urges dialogue with Afghan Taliban


The Taliban killed four policemen during an ambush on a police van in Peshawar. The military killed three Taliban fighters in Swat. The Army said it is “probing Fazlullah™s radio address” to the people of Swat to see if it was recent or a tape.

Philippine military vows to destroy Abu Sayyaf by year-end


Kurds in troubled Iraqi province threaten to secede


Iranian official says Tehran not preventing IAEA inspections


Several Iranian UK embassy staffers were released on bail. Former President Rasfanjani claimed the authority to interpret the ideals of the Islamic Republic. Judiciary Chief Shahroudi urged Muslim community to adopt legal and judicial measures regarding the murder of el-Sherbini in Germany.


A US Marine was killed during combat in Anbar province. Iraqi forces detained two Syrian fighters in Mosul, two al Qaeda fighters in Khanaqin, two Special Groups fighters in southern Iraq, a suicide bomber in Tal Afar, and an IED cell member in Salahadin province.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Shaykh Abd al Rahman Abu Anas al Shinqiti, a shura council member of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, responded to Abu Yahya al Libi’s call to continue to fight the governments in northern Africa and said the group is “at your service.” AQIM will “cleanse the Islamic Maghreb of the impurity of the impure […]


Afghan commandos killed 35 Taliban fighters in Kandahar province. Sixteen civilian contractors were killed when a helicopter crashed at Kandahar Airfield. A US helicopter crashed in Kunar province. Locals in Nangarhar province killed three Taliban fighters and detained 11. Coalition and Afghan forces detained two Taliban fighters in Helmand. The Taliban killed a Coalition soldier […]


Mullah Fazlullah has returned to the airwaves. Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters during airstrikes in Arakzai and three more during operations in Swat,


Security forces detained 18 members of a logistical support network that aids groups fighting in Afghanistan. Those arrested included citizens of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. The men reportedly had fought with the Taliban and are likely members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.

United Kingdom

Twenty Muslims convicted on terrorism charges have been released from jail and are staying in bail hostels that normally house felons. The terrorists were convicted of financing, recruiting, and providing logistical support for jihadis waging wars overseas. The terrorists were released halfway through their prison terms.

The Taliban

The Taliban released a 28-minute-long video of the captured US soldier on the Internet. The video is dated July 14. “Please, please bring us home so that we can be back where we belong and not over here, wasting our time and our lives and our precious life that we could be using back in […]


Iraq major pilgrimage passes in relative peace

Official: US may create terror interrogation unit


Police arrested two suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members in Nouakchott Friday evening who are thought to have been linked to the killing of an American aid worker in June. One suspect was wounded in the raid, and one detainee was reported to be wearing an explosive belt. The raid took place a […]


Shabaab said the two French security officials kidnapped this week will be tried for spying and “conspiracy against Islam.” Gunmen kidnapped three foreign aid workers in the Kenyan border town of Mandera, then slipped back across the border into Somalia. Four Somalis were killed during clashes in Beledweyn.


Two contractors working for the US State Department were killed in a helicopter crash at a training site near Baghdad. An Awakening leader and his driver were killed and three Iraqis were wounded in an IED attack in Karma. Two soldiers were wounded in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces detained 12 wanted men […]


Two US airmen were killed when an F-15E Strike Eagle crashed in a desert in eastern Afghanistan. The Air Force said the plane was not shot down. Two Afghan soldiers were killed and four more were wounded in a suicide attack in Zabul province’s Shajoy district.