Yearly Archives: 2009

Secret program works to field SEAL plane


Muqtada al Sadr is visiting Syria and meeting with President Bashar al Asad. “Al Sadr’s visit to Syria is within the framework of strengthening relations with the Iraqi resistance groups since the Trend is one of its important parties,” an aide to Sadr said.


Al-Sadr’s visit to Damascus aims to strengthen ties with Iraqi resistance – Al-Sadr Aide


Iran’s police chief General Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam said that law enforcement will “act firmly” to prevent the illegal gatherings that foster “sedition and doubt.” Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi called on Muslims to expose the “tyranny, hegemony and the false claims of certain western countries on human rights.”


Afghanistan – Laying down the law: US tries to make policemen of the ‘robbers in uniform’


Seventeen Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in Swat; the Taliban executed six tribesmen for supporting the government. Three soldiers and “dozens” of Taliban fighters were killed in Lower Dir. The government said it would fire Taliban-linked officials. The defense minister said Ajmal Kasab™s confession to carrying out the Mumbai assault is not legitimate.


Tuareg ex-rebels, who occupy the vast expanses of the Sahara desert, have agreed to join the Mali and Algerian governments in their fight against Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. A special unit of Taureg fighters from the Alliance for Democracy and Change (ADC) is being sent to tackle AQIM alongside government forces.


A bomb blast at an outpost in Central Mindanao killed a soldier; 4 policemen were wounded in an ambush when they responded to the attack. A grenade was also thrown into a grocery store in Cotabato City, wounding 7 people. On Sunday, Philippine troops rescued 5 workers who were kidnapped last Wednesday by the Moro […]


Gunmen killed a man in a drive-by shooting in Pattani province, a plantation owner in Yala province, and a shopowner in Narathiwat province. The government has accused the Muslim separatists of killing both non-Muslims and Muslims to increase tension in Thailand’s restive southern provinces.


Pakistan – South Punjab peaceful, terror threat exaggerated: IG

Gates announces Army being increased by 22,000


Mohammad Ajmal Kasab pleaded guilty to conducting the November 2008 terror assault on the city of Mumbai. Kasab, who was charged with waging war against India, 86 counts of murder, and other offenses, is the only attacker to survive.


The explosives used in the July 17 suicide attacks in Jakarta are the same type used in the 2002 Bali bombings that were carried out by Jemaah Islamiyah. Police believe the two suicide bombers attended the Al-Mukmin Islamic boarding school in central Java. The school was founded by Jemaah Islamiyah leader Abu Bakar Bashir and […]


Five insurgents were killed in a shootout at a remote military checkpoint near the Afghan border of Tajikistan. The attackers had Russian citizenship. Two were from the “southern fringe,” most likely the Caucasus, where Russia’s active Islamist insurgency persists; the other three were a man from Tatarstan, an ethnic Kazakh, and an ethnic Russian.


Two people were killed in Mogadishu after Shabaab attacked African Union forces. Eritrea™s president reportedly pressured Hizbul Islam leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys to help free the two captured French security officials. Shabaab shut down three UN aid agencies operating in Somalia.


Insurgents killed two policemen in Mosul and two more in Ramadi, and a farmer in Jalawlaa. The Iranian-backed Special Groups conducted attacks against US forces in Karbala, Diwaniyah, and Nasariyah, but no casualties were reported.


Afghanistan: Helicopter assault starts latest phase of attack on Taliban


The Iranian army arrested 36 officers who planned to attend a prayer sermon by former president Rafsanjani. Supreme Leader Khamenei urged caution in discussion of the political situation in Iran. Former president Khatami called for a referendum on the legitimacy of the elected government. Ali-Asghar Soltanieh said Iran’s nuclear facilities are being continuously examined by […]


Basiji militiaman: I married Iranian girls before their execution


The Taliban killed 12 Afghan traders and seriously wounded four more in an IED attack in Farah province, and killed a British soldier in Helmand province. German troops accidentally killed two civilians in Kunduz province. A British Tornado fighter-bomber crashed at Kandahar Air Field; the crew safely ejected. US troops detained one Haqqani Network fighter […]