Yearly Archives: 2009


Americas – Iraq PM admits US troops may stay


Holbrooke praises Pakistan™s IDP rehabilitation efforts


Indian officials deny receiving Pak dossier: Indian media

‘Camouflage Angel™ spends last moments with US combat casualties


Twenty-five people were killed after Shabaab and Hizbul Islam forces attacked African Union peacekeepers in Mogadishu; a Red Cross worker was among those killed. Fifteen civilians were wounded in a hand grenade attack in Bosasso in Puntland.

Al Qaeda

Bryant Neal Vinas, the American-born al Qaeda operative caught in Pakistan, provided intelligence that allowed the US to target al Qaeda leaders and training camps in Pakistan’s tribal areas as well as information on a possible attack on a Long Island railway. In January 2009 he pleaded guilty to conspiring to murder US nationals, providing […]


Iraqi forces detained nine wanted men in Jalawlaa. A vehicle ban has been imposed in Baqubah after a bombing wounded three people. The Anbar provincial government posted a wanted list for more than 1,500 people accused of supporting terror attacks. The Iraqi Integrity Commission issued 1,455 arrest warrants for corruption cases this year.

Al Qaeda

US citizen captured in Pakistan gives window into Al Qaeda’s world


Afghan and Coalition forces killed five Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Ghazni, and captured nine Taliban fighters in Helmand province and three more in Kandahar province. The Taliban killed three NATO soldiers in the south, captured two Afghan soldiers, and killed a civilian during an ambush on a presidential candidate in Baghlan province.


Two suspected terrorists with links to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been arrested in Mauritania. They are accused of plotting to attack the facilities of the National Industrial and Mining Company (SNIM), the largest mineral extracting company in Mauritania. One of the suspects arrested is a Sudanese national.


Mousavi continued to call for legal action to resolve the June 12 election dispute. Mousavi’s wife claimed that her brother was arrested in the election crackdown as a means of coercion. President Ahmadinejad’s cabinet quarreled over his pick for vice president. The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned western sanctions on its civilian aircraft, arguing that the […]


Pakistan – ‘Mehsud network being targeted with precision™


Security forces killed 27 Taliban fighters during operations in Swat, Buner, and Dir, and 10 more during airstrikes on a Taliban training camp in South Waziristan. The bodies of four Mehsud tribesmen loyal to Baitullah were found in Tank. Three small Taliban groups opposed to Baitullah reformed the Abdullah Mehsud Group.


Waziristan a tough nut for Pakistani forces – Los Angeles Times


Marines face Taliban resistance in clashes in Afghanistan’s Helmand province


After analyzing DNA samples, the National Police concluded that the remains of two suspected bombers were misidentified, leaving their true identities a mystery. Some experts and officials have identified weaknesses in Indonesia’s anti-terrorism crackdown after last week’s bombings, the first Islamist terrorist attack in Indonesia in four years.