Yearly Archives: 2009


One Iraqi was killed and 30 more were wounded in two bombings in Ramadi. One policeman was killed in a shooting in Babil, four were wounded in an IED blast in Kirkuk, and two were wounded in a IED attack in Ramadi. Iraqi police detained three Special Groups fighters in Al Kut and US troops […]


Security forces killed 14 Taliban fighters and detained 29 more in Swat and Buner. The Taliban killed a ‘US spy’ in North Waziristan, wounded 7 policemen and a civilian during an IED attack in Kohat, and bombed 17 CD shops in Mardan. Sufi Mohammed held a meeting with the TNSM shura in Peshawar.


Police defeated a coordinated assault by the Haqqani Network in Khost; seven enemy fighters wearing suicide vests were killed. Coalition forces accidentally killed three Afghan security personnel in Kandahar during a friendly fire incident and killed “several” Taliban fighters and detained eight more in Nangarhar province. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand province.


A third suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb member connected with the murder of an American teacher in Nouakchott was arrested Friday in the capital. The arrest comes a week after two other suspected AQIM members were arrested with connection with the teacher™s killing in June.


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front announced that it will not return to peace talks with the government unless a mediator is found, although the chief negotiator for MILF ordered his fighters to halt hostilities beginning this Saturday. Three people, including an infant, were killed when Abu Sayyaf terrorists gunned them down while they were riding […]


Pak can use US aid only against Taliban and al Qaeda: Senate

Hizb ut-Tahrir

Police arrested nearly 200 members of Hizb ut-Tahrir during simultaneous raids throughout the country. Police confiscated documents that linked the suspects to the banned group during the raids, which took place in 23 provinces.


Twenty-one Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed during clashes in Dir and Swat. Security forces detained a Lashkar-e-Islam fighter in Khyber and an Indian national in Bannu. The interior minister said Baluch rebels are training in Afghanistan.


Prime Minister Maliki said the US may extend its presence in Iraq; President Obama said the troops would leave by the end of 2011. Security forces detained 30 suspected insurgents in Ramadi and two Special Groups fighters in Maysan. Insurgents killed one Iraqi soldier in Mosul and one civilian in Biaaj.


Afghan and Coalition forces captured a “key Haqqani facilitator” and five associates in Khost province and killed “several enemy combatants” in Ghazni province, and killed three more in Balkh province. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers during attacks in southern Afghanistan.


Delayed offensive wears at Pakistan’s antiterror credibility


Government hardliners pressured for President Ahmadinejad to dismiss his top deputy. Iranian security forces disbanded a PJAK cell in Orumieh. The Iraqi trade delegation arrived in Iran for a three-day business tour.

Air Force Envisions an Expanded Use of Drones


Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Swat and captured two men transporting weapons in Nowshera. A curfew has been imposed in regions in North Waziristan. Security forces are targeting Baitullah Mehsud™s network with “precision,” the interior minister said.


President Arroyo ordered the military to halt its offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, to set the stage for the resumption of peace talks for the first time since last year. The military will continue to hunt down rogue MILF commanders, and has transferred hundreds of troops for a new offensive against Abu Sayyaf […]


Police detained Ariana Rahma in connection with last week’s terrorist attack in Jakarta. Rahma is married to Malaysian explosives expert Noordin Mohammad Top, the leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah-linked Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad, who is suspected of providing the bomb-making materials for the attack. Police also released sketches of two male suspects, while Malaysian police detained […]


Maliki opens door to US military presence in Iraq after December 2011


Pakistan should fight all terrorists with ‘same force’: India