Yearly Archives: 2009


Insurgents killed an emergency police chief in Ramadi and a tribal leader in Mosul, and wounded six policemen in Mosul. Security forces detained seven suspects in a shooting in Irbil that killed one person, and three members of Ansar al Sunnah and two Naqshabandiya group members in Kirkuk.


President Karzai’s running mate narrowly escaped a Taliban ambush while campaigning in Kunduz province on July 26. Afghan and US forces detained an IEd facilitator and seven other Haqqani Network members in the town of Majles in Khost province. The Taliban wounded two Afghan soldiers as they gathered for prayers at a mosque in the […]


Opposition set to break Iraqi Kurd stranglehold


The Downward Spiral: Pakistan Consumed by Violence as Taliban Power Grows


Revolutionary Guard tightens hold in Iran crisis


President Ahmadinejad fired Intelligence Minister Ejeie. Ahmadinejad appointed Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie as his chief of staff after Supreme Leader Khatamei blocked his appointment as vice president. Culture and Islamic Guidance Minister Harandi resigned from office “due to the recent events which shows the esteemed government’s weakness.”


Iraq neighbors undermining border fight: minister


Pakistani Pledge to Rout Taliban In Tribal Region Is Put on Hold


Clashes between Islamist fighters and police in Bauchi have left 39 of the fighters dead and 15 injured; 156 members were also arrested. A battle ensued when the Islamists, who aim to impose Shariah Law throughout the 12 states of predominantly Muslim northern Nigeria, assaulted a police station.


Police arrested TNSM chief Sufi Mohammed in Peshawar one day after he met with the group’s shura and a former member of parliament for ordering the beheading of a Polish engineer. The military killed 23 Taliban fighters during operations in Dir. Two soldiers and one Taliban commander were killed in Swat.


Pakistan helps US search for captured soldier as ties improve between the nations


Maliki Faults Iraqi Officer’s Detention of US Troops After Shootout


Insurgents killed four employees at a money exchange in Baghdad and three policemen in Abu Ghraib, and wounded two policemen in Mosul. Security forces detained eight Special Groups fighters in Wasit and three terrorists in Kirkuk. US and Iraqi forces defused explosives along a power line after an electrical transmission tower south of Baghdad was […]


US and Afghan forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Nuristan province and detained 12 Haqqani Network fighters in Paktia and Paktika provinces. The Taliban killed a US soldier in southern Afghanistan. The Taliban and the Afghan security forces agreed to a cease-fire the Bala Murghab district in Badghis province.


A suicide bomber killed three police and two civilians outside a concert hall in Grozny, Chechnya. This is the fourth suicide bombing since Doku Umarov revived the Riyad Us Saliheen martyr brigade in late April. Six insurgents were killed the previous day in special operations in Chechnya. A large arms cache was also discovered in […]


Afghanistan/UK: Helicopter shortage forces commanders to dump Helmand towers plan


Somalia: Family learned over Internet that son was killed

Al Qaeda

CIA Kept Osama bin Laden Son’s Death Secret For Months

The Taliban

Pakistan’s foreign minister said the government will no longer provide sanctuary to Mullah Omar and the Taliban’s Quetta shura. “They’ve created havoc, made our environment insecure, and wherever they are, we’ll take them on,” Shah Mehmud Qureshi said. “Absolutely, we’ll be taking them on.”