Yearly Archives: 2009


The Taliban killed two Frontier Corps troops in a suicide attack in North Waziristan and wounded three policemen in an ambush in Peshawar. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Swat and detained 38 terrorists in Peshawar, Swat, Darra Adam Khel, and Lakki Marwat.


The Taliban killed nine Afghans in bombings in Helmand and Khost provinces, killed two British soldiers in Helmand province on Monday. Four suspected suicide bombers were detained in Kapisa province. A civilian was accidentally killed during a clash with the Taliban in Zabul province.


A Buddhist man and his wife were murdered while they were on their way to work in Pattani province by terrorists armed with assault rifles. Three security officers were wounded by a bomb when they attempted to respond to the initial attack. In the past month, at least 40 people have been killed by Muslim […]


The Iraqi Army stormed the People’s Mujahedeen camp after a riot broke out; more than 150 people and 50 security forces were wounded during the clash. Eight Iraqis were killed in a bombing in Baghdad and one was killed in an IED attack in Jalawlaa. Eight policemen were killed during a bank robbery in Baghdad. […]


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has killed three members of Algeria™s security forces in two separate incidents. Two security force members were ambushed in the Mascara region in northwestern Algeria on Sunday, while another was killed by a roadside bomb when his convoy passed near the city of Jijel, in northeastern Algeria.


Abdelkader Belliraj, a Moroccan-Belgian national accused of leading a terrorist network operating in Europe and Morocco, was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday for arms trafficking and money laundering. He is among 34 co-defendants sentenced from 30 years in prison to one-year suspended sentences for numerous crimes related to terrorist activities.


Latest reports indicate that police forces have besieged Islamist fighters in northern Nigeria at their stronghold in a district of Maiduguri. “President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has ordered national security agencies to take all necessary action to contain and repel the sad and shocking attacks by extremists,” a written statement by the Nigerian government stated.


Gates talks security, arms sales in Iraq

United States

The FBI arrested six US citizens and one Kosovar in North Carolina for plotting acts of terrorism in Israel. All seven “are charged with conspiring to provide support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad.” One suspect, Daniel Boyd, “is a veteran of terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.”


Short-lived cease-fire with Taliban dims prospects for broader deals

Pakistan strikes Taliban camps in Khyber

Twenty Taliban fighters were reported killed during airstrikes on four camps, including a suicide training center in the Tirah Valley. US forces in Afghanistan pursued Taliban fighters into this region late last year.


A fourth Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb member was arrested outside Nouakchott on Saturday. He is held in connection with the murder of Christopher Leggett, an American English and computer teacher working in the capital. Four suspects have been arrested in connection to the killing since July 17th.


Police released a former bombing suspect who turned himself in to the authorities last Wednesday. The former suspect claimed that he had been convinced by Noordin Mohammed Top to become a suicide bomber in the July 17 terrorist attack in Jakarta. The police stated that the suspect had lied about his involvement in the attack.


Four Abu Sayyaf members surrendered directly to Deputy National Security Adviser Luis Singson in Sulu province; they were rushed back to Manila on board the cabinet member’s private plane. President Arroyo stated that terrorist issues will be on the agenda when she travels to Washington to meet with President Obama later this week.


Italy: Calls for troop withdrawal in Afghanistan causes cabinet rift


Security forces killed 20 Lashkar-e-Islam fighters in Khyber and 11 Taliban fighters in Swat and Dir; 28 Taliban fighters, including a commander were also detained. The interior minister said Mullah Fazlullah has been wounded and will be captured within days.


Algerian security forces ambushed and killed 5 suspected Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb members in the northeastern Tiz Ouzou region, 100 kilometers from Algiers. The security forces were told on a tip that AQIM members were operating in the forest highlands of Sid Ali Bounab.


Iraq: Sunni leader envisions alliance with Maliki in next polls


The death toll in northern Nigeria continues to rise as Islamists attack police stations and neighboring buildings throughout northern Nigeria; 150, many of them Islamist fighters, have been reported killed. The violence has spread from the city of Bauchi to the cities of Wudil, Potiskum, and Maiduguri. The Islamists are reported to be targeting civilians […]

The Taliban

The Taliban issued a new handbook with rules for the organization, its units, and its fighters. The 13-chapter handbook, titled “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Rules for Mujahideen,” calls for the limiting of suicide attacks, reducing civilian casualties, and winning over the Afghan people.