Monthly Archives: December 2009


Police and Basij militiamen assaulted protestors in Isfahan. Basij fighters also surrounded the office and home of two influential clerics and vandalized the property. The US will likely push for sanctions on Iran in January. Osama bin Laden’s daughter is hiding in the Saudi embassy in Tehran.


The United Nations Security Council sanctioned Eritrea for providing aid and support to Shabaab and other Islamist groups in Somalia. The resolution called for Eritrea to “cease arming, training, and equipping armed groups and their members including al Shabaab, that aim to destabilize the region.”

If we had just left the Islamic Courts alone…

The photo above, taken by a Reuters stringer, serves as a gruesome reminder of the nature of radical Islamist groups and the failure to oppose them. Here is the Reuters caption: Militants from Hizbul Islam haul the bloodied body of Mohamed Ibrahim, 48, from a chest-deep pit after stoning him to death for illicit sexual […]


Four policemen were killed and 10 Taliban fighters were killed and wounded in a clash in Baghlan. A senator and his driver were killed in a shootout between his bodyguard and police after the operation. The Taliban killed five civilians in bombings in Helmand and Kandahar. Afghan and Coalition forces killed and detained an undisclosed […]


Iranian police threaten fierce crackdown on protesters

Waliur Rehman Mehsud: South Waziristan Taliban are in Afghanistan

Hakeemullah Mehsud (left), the new leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, is photographed with Waliur Rehman, the new leader of the Taliban in South Waziristan (right), during their meeting with the media in Sararogha in South Waziristan. AP photo.APP Photo. Waliur Rehman Mehsud, the leader of the Movement of the Taliban in […]

Pakistani officials: Take action to stop US airstrikes

A Pakistani parliamentary committee urged the government to go beyond mere diplomatic protests and take action to halt the US airstrikes against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan’s northwest, according to Daily Times: Parliament’s Special Committee on National Security on Tuesday urged the government to go beyond verbal protests and play its role in […]


The Algerian military is sending 3,000 additional troops to its borders with Mali, Niger, and Mauritania in an effort to thwart Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb™s movement across the border. The lockdown will restrict border crossings into Algeria to just eight, and will be supplemented with additional military patrols, new surveillance spots, and permission […]


Wretched, jobless, invisible: are Britain™s Somalis the enemy within?

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden™s missing family found in secret compound in Iran


A suicide bomber killed three people, including a journalist, in an attack at the Peshawar Press Club. Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and four more in South Waziristan, and detained eight in Swat. The foreign minister said US airstrikes in Baluchistan would not be permitted.

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden came within minutes of killing Bill Clinton in 1996


At least four people were killed in heavy clashes between government forces and rebel fighters in Mogadishu. Gunmen killed the head of security of the World Food Program(WFP) in Beledweyne. State Minister for Defense Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad “Indha’adde” denounced Shabelle Radio and Television and said that it works with Shabaab.

The best defense against cyber insurgents is a good offense


Pakistan bombings by Taliban hit lower classes hardest


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed the municipal council chief of Tal Afar. Insurgents killed a civilian, a policeman, and a soldier in attacks in Babil, Mosul and Kirkuk. The head of the Fallujah Municipal Council was wounded in an attack. Iraqi security forces detained 27 al Qaeda fighters in Bayji, Mosul, Karbala, and northern […]

Less than an Afghan Army

This video, from the Guardian, comes courtesy of our friend Noah Shachtman at Danger Room. The video shows the challenge in relying on the Afghan Army to stand up quickly against the Taliban as US forces stand down. Noah’s comment must be restated: “Obviously, there are plenty of units that are more professional. But this […]