Monthly Archives: November 2009


The US and Russia agreed to push Iran on its nuclear program. The IAEA issued its latest report on the status of Iran’s nuclear program. President Ahmadinejad said that his country’s right to nuclear energy is non-negotiable.

Irish jihadi operates in Swat and Rawalpindi

The Sunday Times has an interesting and disturbing story of an Irishman who converted to Islam while in a Saudi jail and has left the UK to become a jihadi. Khalid Kelly, as he is now known, is of course training in Pakistan. Interestingly enough, he’s in the Swat Valley: After a period underground, Kelly […]


Obama presses Iran on atomic deal, Tehran defiant


Three MILF members were charged with kidnapping Irish priest Michael Sinnot, who was released from captivity on Nov. 12. MILF released a statement supporting US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s appeal that the Philippine government should strike a peace deal with the group before President Arroyo leaves office in 2010.


A bomb hidden in a motorcycle in Narathiwat exploded while a military truck filled with troops passed by, killing a soldier and wounding six others, including a civilian. The device contained approximately five kilograms of explosives and was activated with a mobile phone. Three civilians were killed in attacks in Yala and Narathiwat provinces.


Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Swat and five more in South Waziristan; seven fighters also surrendered in in Swat. The Taliban assassinated a tribal leader in Bajaur; three Taliban fighters were killed while attempting to assassinate a tribal leader in Peshawar. Police detained eight suspected terrorists in Peshawar.


The Caucasus Emirate claimed that a commander and nine fighters were killed in Saturday’s attack by Russian and Chechen forces. The leader was identified as Emir Islam, the commander of the Achkhoi-Martan sector of the Southwestern Front. The Chechen president said Doku Umarov may have been killed. Insurgents targeted a police checkpoint and a security […]


Insurgents killed one child and wounded 12 Iraqis in attacks in Mosul, Ninewa, and Khanaqin. Security forces detained nine wanted men in Basrah and an al Qaeda operative near Kirkuk. Iraq and the European Union signed an agreement on counterterrorism, human rights, and trade.


Afghan and Coalition forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Paktika and detained five more in Wardak. Six Taliban fighters and five Afghan soldiers were killed in Nuristan. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand province.


Insurgents attacked an AMISOM base in South Mogadishu. Gunmen killed a former member of the Transitional government in Beledweyne. Somali troops are staging a large operation against insurgents in western Gedo region. The US AFRICOM has “no plans” to arm the unmanned planes that are carrying out reconnaissance flights off the coast of Somalia.


Afghanistan: British troops in Helmand kill 80 Taliban in 10 days of fighting


CIA says it gets its money’s worth from Pakistani spy agency

British advocate negotiations with the Taliban Quetta Shura

A British memo that advocates reconciliation with the Taliban – all the way to the top level with the Quetta Shura – has surfaced. The BBC has the report: “We must weaken and divide the Taliban if we are to reduce the insurgency to a level that can be managed and contained by the Afghan […]


US using drones after host states™ consent: Petraeus


Khaled Nawaya was freed after one month in jail. Nawaya, a Saudi-born Syrian citizen, was arrested one month ago at the border while trying to smuggle nearly $1 million in Canadian mint gold coins. Mounties found 9/11 videotapes and a Hezbollah ring in Nawaya’s possession. He was a flight instructor in Oakland, Calif., and was […]