Monthly Archives: November 2009


Iran to hold war games to protect nuclear sites


Afghan and Coalition forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in Kandahar province and detained 12 more in Nimroz. The Taliban killed two children in Kandahar and two tribal leaders in Jazjan, and wounded two policmen in a rocket attack on the Serena Hotel in Kabul.

United States

The US District Court in Minneapolis indicted a 24-year-old Somali man for conspiring to “kill, kidnap, maim or injure” people in foreign countries. Omer Abdi Mohamed is one of six Muslims in Minneapolis charged with terrorism-related crmes. Mohamed attended the radical Abubakar as Saddique Islamic Center in south Minneapolis.


A British couple kidnapped by pirates have appealed directly to the British Government to open talks for their release, fearing that they may be killed within a week. Their kidnappers told them a terrorist cell is also hunting them. Shabaab launched an attack on a base of Hizbul Islam just 60 kilometers north of Kismayo.


Three suicide bombers blew themselves up in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Police chased the men into the foothills after residents saw them dump a bag of weapons.


Counterterrorism police detained two Pakistanis, a father and a son, who are accused of financing the 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. The two Pakistanis used their money transfer business to send cash to individuals involved in the attacks.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has been recruiting Algerian fighters returning from Iraq. Upwards of 60 well-trained former Iraqi fighters may have joined the terrorist organization since 2007. Many of the returning fighters are recruited from Oued Souf, Batna, and Misla in Algeria. Several students are believed to be among those joining AQIM.


Mullah Omar not in Pakistan, asserts Pakistani Foreign Office


Five Taliban and three al Qaeda operatives were killed in a US airstrike in North Waziristan. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in South Waziristan and captured the Ghazi Force suicide attack leader in Islamabad. The Taliban killed a Frontier Corps trooper and a civilian in Arakzai and attacked a NATO convoy in Quetta.


An American warship rescued three Yemeni fishermen after pirates took their boats and threw them into the sea. Pirates hijacked the Panamanian cargo ship Red Sea Spirit. Planes flying at low level have been seen in the Shabaab-held port town of Kismayo.


Security forces detained six wanted men in Diyala; five al Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq fighters in Ramadi, Tikrit, and Kirkuk; and two terrorists in Wasit. Iraqis in Basrah protested Vice President Tariq al Hashemi’s veto of the election reform law. Parliament may amend the law and send it back to the presidential council.


Suicide bombers struck in Farah and Kabul. A senior police official and 16 civilians were killed in Farah, and five bodyguards of a former mujahideen leader were killed in Kabul. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Khost. Afghan and Coalition forces killed one Taliban fighter and detained five more in Takhar, […]


Iran plans to launch a satellite by 2011. President Ahmedinejad said Iran’s enemies are “on verge of collapse” while two senior clerics said the US actions to freeze assets of the Alvi Foundation are signs of hostility. A UN committee condemned Iran’s targeting of political opponents after the presidential election.

Mullah Omar goes to Karachi

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban. According to The Washington Times, Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency has helped Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) for both the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban, relocate to the southern port city of […]

Indonesia’s anti-terrorism unit Detachment 88 warns of continued threats


A suicide bomber killed 19 Pakistanis in an attack outside a courthouse in Peshawar; two policemen were killed in a second bombing in Peshawar. Eight Taliban and four security officers were killed in clashes in Bajaur. The military killed eight civilians and two Taliban fighters in Hangu and seven Taliban fighters in South Waziristan.