Monthly Archives: October 2009


Taliban bans non-local reporters’ entry into Waziristan


A Lebanese court convicted six Palestinians, three Lebanese, and two Syrians of having links to al Qaeda and aiding terrorists in entering Iraq from Lebanon. The men were convicted in absentia and given life prison sentences.


Police killed Saidemi Khizriyev during an attempt to detain him in the capital of Grozny. Khizriyev, who is known as the emir of Gudermes, was wanted for attacks in Gudermes for a series of bombings as well as his involvement in an assassination plot against Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov.

Al Qaeda releases Pakistani Taliban propaganda tape

On Oct. 22, As Sahab, al Qaeda’s media production company, released a videotape of Pakistani Taliban leader Hakeemullah Mehsud and South Waziristan commander Waliur Rehman Mehsud to Al Fajr Media Center, al Qaeda’s distribution network. The video was published on the Islamic Al Fallujah Forums and then distributed to the network of other jihadi web […]


The Taliban vowed to attack voting centers during the Nov. 7 presidential runoff election. Afghan and Coalition security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and detained several more in Wardak. The Taliban killed two Coalition soldiers in an IED attack and another during a firefight in southern Afghanistan. Afghan officials said Coalition forces accidentally […]


Yemeni rebels report border clash with Saudi forces


Iran’s interior minister asked Pakistan to turn over the leader of Jundallah. Security forces detained 35 members of families of anti-regime protesters, including women and children. Followers of opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi clashed with police.


Pakistan troops retake Taliban stronghold in Waziristan


The Taliban killed seven Pakistanis in a suicide attack near a nuclear facility in Kamra and 15 more in a landmine attack on a bus in Mohmand; 15 civilians were wounded in a carbombing in Peshawar. Security forces killed six Uzbeks and seven Taliban fighters in South Waziristan, and 19 Taliban fighters in Khyber, Mohmand, […]


Islamic gunmen killed a Muslim man as he left a mosque in the Krongpinang district of Yala province, then fled the scene on motorbikes. Also in Yala province, a Muslim man was killed and his wife wounded after they were shot in their home. In the Yarang district of Pattani province, the body of a […]

Are drone strikes making more enemies in Pakistan?

Andrew Exum linked to my recent Threat Matrix post in his own post about drone strikes — as an example of how “careless readers of [Exum and Kilcullen’s] argument mistakenly assume we agree with open-source reporting out of Pakistan.” A few points in response. First of all, I have a lot of respect for Andrew […]

Abu Sayyaf bombs another bridge in Sulu province, Philippines


Shabaab threatened to attack the capitals of Burundi and Uganda. “You will see more people weeping in Kampala and Bujumbura if Allah says,” said Sheikh Ali Mohamed Hussein. Somalia’s president was targeted at the Mogadishu airport in yesterday’s mortar barrage that killed 20 civilians. The US will station Reapers in Seychelles to monitor Somali pirates; […]


Iraqi security forces detained 19 wanted men in Basrah, 12 al Qaeda operatives in Diyala, an Islamic State of Iraq leader and three operatives in Bayji, three al Qaeda operatives in Mosul, and an al Qaeda fighter near Khanaqin. Insurgents killed a security guard in Mosul and wounded two civilians in Khanaqin.


The Netherlands and Denmark said they would not send additional troops to Afghanistan until a decision is made by the US. British troops killed and wounded several Taliban fighters after a helicopter crash in Helmand. Afghan and Coalition forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters during operations in Wardak and Helmand provinces. One Taliban fighter […]


A senior Iranian member of parliament cast doubts on the uranium fuel arrangement. The interior minister will meet with officials in Pakistan to discuss the recent attacks by Jundallah.

Pakistan reaps harvest of poisoned peace deals

Nek Mohammed, the former leader of the Taliban in South Waziristan, speaks to his followers after being showered with gifts by the Pakistani Army after a peace agreement on April 24, 2004. Nek was later killed in a US Predator strike, and was replaced by Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in another Predator strike on […]

Winning hearts and minds in Southeast Asia

The strategic challenge of Somalia’s al Shabaab

Aden Hashi Ayro, the deceased leader of al Qaeda-linked Shabaab, the terrorist youth movement of Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union. Photo from IntelCenter Over the past several years, an ongoing lack of internal order has left Somalia vulnerable to the rise of hard-line Islamist groups, of which the latest is al Shabaab (“the youth”), which has […]