Monthly Archives: September 2009


Shabaab has proclaimed its allegiance to Osama bin Laden in a video entitled “At your service, Osama” distributed in Mogadishu, where a public screening was also organized. In the video appears Abu Mansour al Amriki, an American citizen in charge of military training for Shabaab. Six civilians were killed in Mogadishu after insurgents and government […]


President Ahmadinejad warned against a military attack against Iran. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei blamed the western media for poisoning Iran’s Qods Day celebration. The US and Iran are headed into the Oct. 1 negotiations worlds apart.

Pakistani Army, Taliban clash in Waziristan

The Taliban claimed 45 Pakistani soldiers were killed in a battalion-sized assault in North Waziristan. The military claimed 26 Taliban fighters were killed in airstrikes in South Waziristan, while eight more were killed in North Waziristan.


Video: Somali crowds vow allegiance to bin Laden


Eight Philippine troops were killed in an ambush by Abu Sayyaf fighters. The soldiers were returning to base from a mission in which they overran an Abu Sayyaf camp of 200 fighters near the town of Indanan on Jolo Island. Nineteen Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed in the Army assault on the camp, which was […]

Najibullah Zazi and the New York/Colorado raids

Najibullah Zazi. AP photo Over the weekend, three men were arrested and charged in the ongoing terror probe centered around New York and Colorado. The three men are Najibullah Zazi, 24; his father Mohammed Wali Zazi, 53; and Ahmad Wais Afzali, 37. Though all three were charged with making false statements to authorities, terrorism charges […]


Security forces detained Abu Faraj, a Taliban commander who was behind suicide attacks in Swat. Faraj was wounded by soldiers before he was captured in Swat. Police killed one suicide bomber in Buner; two others escaped. The suicide bomber was planning to assassinate the provincial education minister.


Israel says still has military option on Iran

McChrystal to resign if not given resources for Afghanistan

Within 24 hours of the leak of the Afghanistan assessment to The Washington Post, General Stanley McChrystal’s team fired its second shot across the bow of the Obama administration. According to McClatchy, military officers close to General McChrystal said he is prepared to resign if he isn’t given sufficient resources (read “troops”) to implement a […]

General McChrystal’s report on Afghanistan and external influences

The Washington Post has leaked an unclassified version of General Stanley McChrystal’s long-awaited report on Afghanistan. The full report, all 66 pages, can be found here. The Washington Post provides a good roundup of the report. In short, and it should come as no surprise, McChrystal calls for a change in strategy by ISAF, which […]


Afghan jails are base for al-Qaida and Taliban, says US commander


According to a leaked report, General McCrystal is seeking more troops and a change in strategy or the US will encounter “mission failure.” Coalition and Afghan troops have halted offensive operations to observe the UN’s International Day of Peace.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

An Algerian newspaper has cited a “security source” who indicates that AQIM leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar has shown signs of surrendering in a peace treaty with the Algerian government. If true, it will be major blow to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb™s operations. Belmokhtar, the infamous smuggling baron, formed the semi-independent southern branch of AQIM […]


Shabaab seized control of Yeed town on the border with Ethiopia from government forces after clashes that killed at least 17 people. Militiamen of the Ethiopian rebel group the Ogaden Liberation Front (OLF) crossed the border and helped the Somali insurgents. Shabaab fighters shot dead two demonstrators protesting the arrest of three religious leaders in […]

United States

The FBI said it found hand-written notes by Najibullah Zazi that described how to make bombs. His fingerprints were also found on bomb-making materiel. Zazi, who admitted to receiving explosives training in Pakistan, is one of three Muslims detained by the FBI. His father and Ahmad Wais Afzali, an imam at a mosque in Queens, […]


President Ahmadinejad said he was proud that his denials of the Holocaust have enraged the West. Russian President Medvedev said Israel is not planning on a preemptive strike against Iran. Russia’s head of the assembly, Mironov, denied any US-Russia deal on Iran.

Mahdi Army members assassinated in Syria?

Muqtada al Sadr, the leader of the Mahdi Army. An interesting report from Omar at Iraqi The Model: Unknown gunmen assassinated 30 Mahdi Army commanders in the Syrian capital Damascus. The killings, made in the past few weeks, were all made “quietly, inside the victims apartments”, said an unnamed source in the Sadr movement. The […]

The Abu Talha al Almani reality show

Banner announcing Bekkay Harrach latest release, “O Allah, I Love You (Part 1).” Less than a day after Bekkay Harrach, alias Al Hafidh Abu Talha al Almani, appeared in a video threatening Germany with attacks, he appeared in another video posted Saturday on the militant forums associated with al Qaeda and allied movements. The video, […]


Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters and detained 43 more in Swat. Swat Taliban commander Sher Muhammad Qasab died in custody. Taliban fighters killed four people in an attack at a bazaar in Hangu. Pakistan has placed 83 wanted terrorists on a watch lsit.


The military attacked a large gathering of Abu Sayyaf fighters in Sulu province, employing airstrikes and artillery to attempt to serve warrants on three Abu Sayyaf commanders. The military has sustained its offensive against Abu Sayyaf despite the holy month of Ramadan.


One US soldier was killed and 12 more were injured when a Blackhawk helicopter crashed at Balad Air Base. The cause of the crash has not been disclosed. One Iraqi was killed and four more were wounded in an IED attack in Iskandariyah. Security forces detained 31 wanted men in Thi Qhar and one more […]

Ilyas Kashmiri was a Pakistani Army commando

Kashmiri terrorists in training. Image from Der Speigel. New details have emerged about Ilyas Kashmiri, the al Qaeda and Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami leader who is thought to have been killed during a US Predator strike in North Waziristan earlier this month. The News and Middle East Transparent reported that Kashmiri had been a commando in the elite […]


Two US soldiers were killed in the South and another soldier was killed in the East. Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander and detained “several” Haqqani Network fighters during raids in Kandahar and Khost. The CIA is expanding the number of agents, analysts, and paramilitary personnel in country.