Monthly Archives: September 2009


A suicide bomber killed one civilian and and wounded six policemen and three doctors after he detonated his car bomb at a checkpoint in Dagestan. A human rights group accused Russia of running death squads in Chechnya.


A member of Boko Haram claimed he spent three months in an Afghan camp and was trained as a bomb expert. He was to train five members of Boko Haram to make bombs but fled the group after he was not paid $35,000 as promised.


Body believed to be British hostage handed to Iraqi authorities


The Army is making the same old mistakes in Afghanistan, say soldiers (UK)


The Minister of Religion was wounded and his driver was killed during an ambush in Islamabad; members of the minister’s security detail were among dozens taken into custody. Security forces killed 16 Taliban fighters in Khyber and detained 15 more. The Taliban killed a tribal leader in Mohmand and bombed two shops in Hangu.


Indian troops killed five terrorists as they attempted to cross the Line of Control in the Gurez region. The fighting took place one day after Pakistani troops opened fire on Indian outposts and killed an Indian soldier.


Security forces detained 56 wanted men in Dhi Qhar, 16 in Basrah, nine in Kirkuk, and one more in Babil. The Interior Ministry sacked 17 policemen in Khalis. An Iraqi soldier was killed in an IED attack in Kirkuk.

Paramount sheikh of the Albu Issa survives assassination attempt

Sheikh Khamis al-Hasnawi and a US Marine outside Fallujah in March 2007. On August 23, Aswat al-Iraq reported a failed assassination attempt on Sheikh Taleb al-Hasnawi. Taleb is a powerful sheikh of the Albu Issa, one of the most significant tribes around Fallujah: “An IED emplaced on a roadside in the village of Ahsi went […]


The Taliban took credit for a suicide attack at a mosque in Laghman that killed Afghanistan’s deputy intelligence chief and 22 others. The Taliban killed a civilian in a bicycle bombing in Jauzjan province. Four Taliban fighters were killed during a premature detonation in Kandahar. Three Taliban fighters were detained in Ghazni.

Afghanistan’s wild-wild North

As policymakers and analysts continue to examine the ever-evolving insurgency in Afghanistan, the Taliban infiltration into northern Afghanistan is finally receiving some much needed attention. Often billed as “the stable and secure” northern areas, Afghanistan’s northern provinces have been the target of a burgeoning Taliban insurgency since 2004. When analyzing the northern conundrum it is […]


The IAEA said concerns over Tehran’s nuclear program are “hyped.” Senior diplomats met in Berlin to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s Shura Majlis will debate the appointments to the key ministerial posts of oil and interior.


USAID offices closed down in Islamabad following threat calls

Swat Taliban to be tried in Islamic courts

Some good news, and some potential bad news from Swat. First the good news, from Dawn: The commander of the operation against militants in the area of Swat, Kanju underlined that 105 militants have laid down their arms during search and clearance operations. During a Press Briefing, Brigadier Suleman said the operation is moving in […]

Taliban strong in remote Afghan regions

DVIDS just posted an interesting story on a complex Taliban ambush against a US Army fuel convoy moving through the mountains at the border of Kandahar and Uruzgan provinces. A battalion of Taliban fighters established a “two-mile kill zone” in the mountains and attacked a 22-truck convoy from the 286th Combat Support Sustainment Battalion. The […]


The military killed 40 extremists in Khyber and captured 43 more. In Swat, the military killed 15 Taliban fighters while 105 surrendered; those who surrendered will be tried in a qazi court. Forty-one more corpses have been discovered in Swat.


Attacks prompt Iraqi security assessment


Ethiopian troops are withdrawing from Beletwein, and the governor of Hiran province said his administration is no longer part of the Transitional Federal Government. Two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam flogged 3 teenage boys accused of rape in Mogadishu.